AI, UBI, and the Future of Work. Here's Why ChatGPT is Here to Stay and so is Hive...

"Institutional traders, portfolio managers, and analysts using Bloomberg LP's Terminal software can anticipate an exciting upgrade, as CNBC reports that the same underlying technology as OpenAI's GPT will be integrated into the financial platform."

AI is here and it is here to stay, just as automation is.

Technology? I have nothing against it. I've stated that quite a few times on my blog. If it weren't for technology, 40% of Americans would still be working in agriculture. Agriculture labor is not fun, which is why now only something like 1.3% of the US population is farming.

Rednecks have tractors and all sorts of tools that make their lives and labor easier. I remember reading a few months ago that some company was at that time testing a fully autonomous tractor, which means productivity is going to exponentially increase. But at what cost?

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It took Mercedes probably a few weeks back in the day to "weld together" a good old Merc, and they're probably doing that at the moment in a couple of days span. New Mercs are not as good as old ones, and it's not the fault of technology. It's consumerism that pushed society into such a nightmare.

According to Goldman Sachs, it forecasted that AI will take over something like 300 million jobs over the next ten years, which makes me think that corporations will benefit the most from this AI revolution. While certain individuals will be able to leverage it for themselves in the next couple of years as competition tightens (more and more plebs will use AI for freelancing...duh), things are going to start hitting the fan even for these lucky early adopters.

Some are calling for government regulation of AIs like ChatGPT, but that will work as efficiently as it did to ban Bitcoin. I don't know if you've already read it, but Hong Kong will be open for crypto trading once again. What did they do all this time? The way I see it, they just stepped aside and let other countries leverage cryptocurrency while Hong Kong paused so it could watch and see.

There's no doubt that technology has created millions of jobs over the years, but AI is not just the next level of microchips. AI is a direct competitor to whatever human activity we can think of...sort of.

Automation is simply widening the gap between social classes, the way I see it. The rich are going to get richer while the poor are going to get poorer. I don't know how much trading in traditional assets or crypto is currently being conducted by AI, but from what I know, BlackRock has been using it for quite a while.

Hence, you can only imagine how hard it will become to outperform AI in trading crypto or anything else in the years to come. AI will take many jobs, and probably yours might be next on the list. I read yesterday a post by @ladyrebecca on how she lost her freelance job because of AI (ChatGPT), and it got me thinking.

Luckily, ChatGPT-generated content is not encouraged on Hive. Thus, for now, full-time bloggers might still have a chance. Despite what some think of that (Hive turning into a dinosaur by not flowing with the flow of AI), I prefer sticking with the dinosaur and being organically involved with the blockchain.

It's because I can foresee, or at least I believe I am able to do so, what's to come. Many of us will end up being forced into accepting a UBI thanks to AI killing his/her job and all the drawbacks UBI comes with, but more on that in a future post. Don't kill the messenger, though. I'm not against anyone using AI.

I respect free will, but this is how I see what's to come in this regard.

Thanks for your attention,

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