Investments that might change your life for the better


I just read an article telling me that 77% of Warren Buffett's $366 Billion Portfolio Is Invested in Only 6 Stocks.

That is the kind of stat that makes @ablaze sit up and take a breath, rub his beard and wonder how can I have a bit of that lovely juicy potentially financially lucrative pie.

So let's get the obvious out of the way right off the bat...

Am I a financial advisor? Nope....

Should you sell all your valuables and do exactly as I say? Nope....

Might this be some useful information which may help you to consider what to do with any extra money you have in your savings? Perhaps...

But, come here to me now a minute. Is Warren wealthy? He is.

Did he get wealthy by making shrewd investments and predicting the future? He certainly did.

So, for me he deserves respect.

For Anybody who doesn't know who Warren Buffett is, he is a very wealthy investor who runs Berkshire Hathaway. If you don't know who Berkshire Hathaway are Google them and then continue reading.

Anyway Buffet learnt his trade. Lionel Messi. He also learnt his trade. Einstein. Yes, you Guessed it, he learnt his trade. Kobain, Lennon, Mercury, Mozart. Ya, you guessed it. They learnt their trades.

Sure, they were all natural geniuses, but they still needed to understand the business of finance, football, music, science etc.

For Warren Buffett he learnt his trade from a man called Benjamin Graham and a book called 'The Intelligent Investor'. I'd be willing to bet a hefty sum that had Buffet not read and ingested this revolutionary book he would not have had the success he had.

That's all very well @ablaze and I like the photo of you on a nice looking golf course, but what are those 6 stocks you speak of? Well it's no secret, so let me start from number 6 and count it down....

  1. Occidental Petroleum: $12.4 billion (3.4% of invested assets)

  2. Chevron: $20 billion (5.5% of invested assets)

  3. Coca-Cola: $24.5 billion (6.7% of invested assets)

  4. American Express: $25.5 billion (7% of invested assets)

  5. Bank of America: $28.7 billion (7.8% of invested assets)

  6. Apple: $170.9 billion (46.7% of invested assets)

There you have it. The magic pill. Now you are guaranteed riches beyond your wildest dreams.... just plough everything you own into those 6 stocks...

Whoah whoah whoah.... Hold your horses..... not quite. If it was that easy everyone would be at it.

I do firmly believe though that information like this is hugely beneficial to those who know how to decipher it.

I look at one of the richest men in the world and I look at what he owns and then think to myself Why? How? Where? When?

Can I figure all of this out easily? Not really. Can I buy a fund that is basically a replica of Berkshire Hathaway's investments? Yes.

This is not financial advise but maybe it's a fail safe way to follow the lessons of Benjamin Graham and invest like Warren Buffett without having to read and Read and READ and





Ok, you get the idea. Warren reads a lot and why wouldn't he, he has a lot to keep an eye on.

Now then, let me turn the tables...

Yes, I'm looking at you...

What do you make of Graham? Buffet? Investments? Apple? Bank of America?

These photos are all my own

Thanks as always for stopping by everyone.

Peace Out


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