[Ulog] February 10, 2020

A strong wind blows.

My heather works again but I did not even left my garden or mess was blew underneath my car. The kid had to pull it away.
On my way back home I saw plastic hanging in trees everywhere. The farmer is the bigest pig around here (I know this is insulting for pigs).

I invested nearly 6 hours in commenting and replying on comments.
In some I will no longer invest. If you receive an answer like "Stop waisting time in answering give me a like" you know what to do.
For a like you can go to Facebook!

Yesterday we had a look at the heather in the bathroom. We know what is wrong with it but can not fix it because it is cheaply made and all glued together. We tried a bit moving the wires and... it worked whole day.

I hung the laundry outside. A strong wind helps and I didn't have to collect my laundry out of the neighborhood.

The bus-kid is happy installed Linux on the old laptop. We'll see what the next step is. I baked a lot of pancakes. We have to eat something and there's plenty left for the kids if they feel hungry.

The youngest grew up with pancakes ate nothing else. No bread, no cookies, no vegetables, nothing. After I survived those days of baking pancakes I thought I would never bake them again.

oatmeal flakes
1 egg (exception this time).

The winds gets stronger and we put shelves in front of the windows at the inside.
It feels less cold this way plus hopefully the windows remain where they are. The shed lost two today.
We have problems with the electricity.


My weight:
62 😐

My kid's pancake with syrup inside.

What I ate today.
12:45 pm a bit tuna + mayonnaise.
3-3:30 pm 4 pancakes (with nothing)
7 pm Some peanuts

I did sit ups 40x, jumping j. 40x (both while baking pancakes) and the bending 40 times (20 extra because I did nothing in the past two days)._

10 mg Prednisone.
Infections increase pain is less.

Published today (Feb. 10, 2020)

  • Life A freewrite with the prompt "double life". A freewrite with the prompt "double life."
  • Dpoll 50: Do you take warnings seriously? Warnings, do you care or ignore them.
  • Red Entry to the CCC contest #takeapic hosted by @olivia08
  • [Ulog] February 10, 2020.
    Life goes on and so does my diary.
  • C.C.C.
    Entry to the "What does CCC mean to you 2.36" contest hosted by @team-ccc/@hive-166850.
    An other disappointment richer. This post was scheduled with @esteemapp but never posted. I found out about it 14 hours later. It was still in "scheduled" and I had to move it to "drafts" to be able to post. I have the latest update so the problem that caused it is?

Published yesterday (Feb. 9, 2020)

Some diary days

Diary Day #143 - February 4, 2020
[Ulog] Feb. 4, 2020 - Broken beker, beans, and pin issues

Diary Day #144 - February 5, 2020
[Ulog] Feb. 5, 2020

Diary Day #145 - February 6, 2020
"My Entry to Contest - "What does TODAY (Feb 6, 2020) Mean to ME? - #ccc 2.35" - My day!

Diary Day #146 - February 7, 2020
[Ulog] February 7, 2020 - Friday yarn!

Diary Day #147 - February 8, 2020

Diary Day #148 - February 9, 2020
#hasil2020 update January 9, 2020


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