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The outdoors

The outdoors have been taken for granted. It has never been more appreciated than now. When most parts of the world were on a massive global lockdown and some still are, how our hearts yearned to be outdoors. While we stayed indoors as much as possible, we can't help but think of the days when we could just step out of the house freely any time we felt like it.

When I am outdoors, the thing I enjoy most is to look at the sky, when the sun shines brightly and the heat touches the skin.

I just had to take this photo when I saw it:

I love it when the sky is clear with cottony white clouds that gives me a sense of imagination of how it would be like to touch the clouds...

And being outdoors, I can take photos of flowers like these...

and wonder what they are...

and these...

and these too...

When I am outdoors, I love the freedom to be able to enjoy greenery... be able to breathe in fresh air in the park and watch kids run around happily and freely...

And to be able to feel the fallen petals on the ground...

This is my entry to @gertu's Contest #CCC 2.51 What do you do...Outdoors?.

This is an Invitation to join #ccc. The community CCC supports members by encouraging and upvoting each other and by hosting contests. Contests are hosted by @team-ccc and it's members. See @team-ccc for contests running.