[2014] Interstellar Review ( At the crossroads of Utopia and Dystopia, )


Elon Musk plans to save mankind through Mars Terraforming.

On May 31, 2020, Space X's spacecraft'Crew Dragon' was launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida and docked with the ISS as scheduled.

Even as a manned space flight, SpaceX has accomplished the first feat of a private company.

“There are two paths ahead of mankind today.
One is to stay on Earth forever, and someday the doomsday will come,
Another alternative is to build a space civilization and become a multiplanetary inhabitant."
-Elon Musk-

There are many mysteries in the world.

Starting with Earth's history, there are many things that are scientifically inaccessible.

The mystery part that people are most curious about and can show off their imagination is the universe.

After watching the movie'Inception', I decided to look for a movie directed by Christopher Nolan.

Among director Nolan's films, Interstellar is the third film in Korea to reach 10 million viewers among foreign films, and it is also evaluated as the best representation of the space world.

Although there were reviews saying that it was boring or difficult to interpret, I hesitated, but after watching the movie, I myself became pathetic.

Director Christopher Nolan's masterpiece, We'll start the Interstellar Review, the winner of the Academy Visual Effects Awards.

Official Trailer


'Love' the movie wants to show

This film begins with a desolate earth in the distant future.

Most of the people have become farmers to eat and live, and they are unable to live properly in the constant winds of sand.

This is the story of an expedition, including Cooper, in search of other viable planets in the universe to save humanity living on Earth in this situation.

Cooper, the protagonist, has a young daughter and son that he really cherishes. His children became the driving force behind him to go to space.

To find their children's future and to ensure a better life, Cooper decides to go on a dangerous journey.

There is also a scientific message of time and gravity as the message that this film is trying to tell, but the one that tried to convey the universal human emotion of love came the most.

With his love for his children, Cooper readily responds to space exploration that took his life and death, and does not abandon his desire to live in difficult situations for his children.

Even at the end of the movie, if you have yourself, the probability of a brand saving humanity is low, So his love of sacrificing himself for his own children eventually made it possible to pass quantum law data to Murphy.

Humanity was able to find a new planet and eventually complete their mission.

It was impressive to see the lines of "Gravity" and "Love" Cooper that could transcend time and space.

Cooper's love transcends time and space to send data that could save humanity to the Murphy of the past, and they (they were Cooper himself) made wormholes and allowed Cooper to come into space of five dimensions.

I think the greatest aspect of this film is that it is well-melted in a three-hour film that is an abstract concept of love that is invisible to our eyes.

  • "What can transcend time and space

    It's only'love' and'gravity'".

    Cooper's Ambassador in Interstellar



The ability of love that transcends time and space

There is a scene where the team members are wondering whether to go to Dr. Mun's planet or Edmund's planet when fuel is scarce.

Romani and Cooper think objectively and decide to go to the planet of a distant doctor. Only Brand insists on going to Edmund's planet because Edmund is her lover.

The brand argues that'love is the only thing we can know that transcends time and space, and in some cases it is necessary to believe in love rather than objective information.

Eventually, they head to the planet of the Dr. Mun's, but this is a planet that humans cannot live on, and as the last scene of the movie shows, Edmund's planet is seen as a planet suitable for humanity.

The brand's love for Edmund was right in the end.

It shows that sometimes they have to follow the power of the mind rather than objective theories or laws, from their conflict to the end of the film.

It's a brand that can pass by, but it was a tremendous double track that even showed the ending.

  • "Love is transcending time and space

    It's the only thing we can tell. "

    brand's Ambassador in Interstellar



"were'we called us."

From the time Cooper and Murphy arrived at NASA, NASA's agents continue to use the term'they' as saying'they' are calling us.

As Cooper found out when he went into the black hole and looked at the world in the 5th dimension,'they' were Cooper and his party,'we', and as the words in were'we called us'.

The content of the movie about us in the future sending a message to us in the past was amazing. And this scene was well expressed as the director intended.

Cooper's love to protect his children, his children's belief that his dad would definitely return, and his love for him made it possible for Cooper in the future to interact with Murphy in the past.

In a five-dimensional space, I think the future Cooper sends Morse code to 10-year-old Murphy to save humanity.

It can be said to be a famous scene.

The end of human selfishness

The character'Dr. Mun's' in the movie best expresses human selfishness.

Ask them to think about how selfish they are when humans are really in extreme situations.

He has lived alone for years waiting for the rescue team in an environment where no one lives, no one can live.

As he said, he was almost in a state of giving up hope.

If he did not lie and said that this planet is an uninhabited environment, The hope of the rescue team was slim, and he was forced to sacrifice his life for the sake of mankind.

Dr. Mun's character cannot be cursed as being negative in itself. If any person was in such a situation, he would have experienced a serious internal conflict.

Even if I lied to live, I would have wanted to hold on to even a strand of hope.

But when the expedition came, I think his behavior in that situation was the most wrong.

Another unfolding would have happened if he revealed his own faults and showed them all united for the sake of each other's survival and humanity.

His selfishness is eventually seen as his death, and in this process we sigh of relief.

It is remarkable for Dr. Mun's actions to put his survival as the top priority among the members of the expedition who are ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of his family and humanity.



Symbols used in movies: books and clocks

Cooper and Murphy's room in a five-dimensional space is blocked by a bookcase.

And Cooper uses the books in the bookshelf to convey a message to Murphy.

The subject matter of'book' is written in the past and is an important means of passing through the present to the future.

Cooper's act of sending a message using such a book seems to be an important symbol that Cooper in the'future' conveys a message to Murphy in the'past' and that it is an important symbol that the present Murphy interprets his father's message on Earth.

The'clock', which Cooper holds the message of quantum law, is also the most important means of telling us the time of the past, present, and future.

By embedding Morse code through the material that best expresses this concept of time, the symbol that the future Cooper's message is delivered to the present Murphy was well revealed.



Representation of outer space

The appearance of the universe and other planets represented in the movie makes us feel that we are actually there.

Both Miller's planet and Dr. Mun's planet were filmed based on the nature of Ireland, and I thought that Nolan's eye for finding a real environment to recreate the space of the movie was great.

The huge waves on the Miller planet, the endless snow-capped mountain ranges on the planet of the distant Dr., and the black hole that absorbs light at high speeds often make the thought of'wonderful' as praised by this movie.

The five-dimensional space in the movie, which started with the thought that “we humans have not yet entered the black hole, but there will be a five-dimensional space in it” was also surprising.

Hearing that this space is also a set made using wood rather than CG, I was surprised to see the director's ability.

This three-hour film that unfolds the story of the universe centering on'time,' gravity', and'love' broke my stereotype about science fiction movies.

It is not just to show science fiction and science, but it seems best to capture human desires and emotions in such a situation. I look forward to the next work of Director Nolan.

  • “We will find a solution.

    As always."


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