I Am Mother: A Sentient AI Robot Of Becoming A Mother ~ Movie Review

Today, I'm going to review one of my favorite movie that I have watched last week using my phone in my Netflix application. It was released last 2019 by Netflix. I was looking for another movie to watch at that time because I am bored and wants to watch a movie by myself.

The genre for this movie is a science fiction mixed with suspense and mystery. The movie was directed by Grant Sputore, written by Michael Lloyd Green & Grant Sputore, and its actors and actresses were Luke Hawker, Rose Byrne, and Maddie Lenton.

You can watch the trailer for this movie to see if you want to watch this kind of movie.


There may be spoilers below


It's a movie about a robot that sets in a futuristic event where people were dominated by robots that lead to extinction for the people. They had countless of wars for these robots and people and eventually these people and humanity lead to an extinction.

There is a robot in a bunker named "Mother" who takes care of lots of embryo of the people and she is responsible to reproduce the people again from extinction. In order to make one, it needs to be taken care of from becoming a embryo up until it became an adult.

The robot is designed teach this "embryo" called daughter in the latter time and make her become one of a perfect person with no lies, hatred, and so on.

The daughter lives in the bunker for so many years doing trainings, taking exams, moral lesson and she was curious about the outside world then she began to ask things about it to the "Mother" robot. Mother explained about the outside that it is contaminated and it is not safe to go outside until one person asks for help in outside the bunker.

A Test for the Daughter

Mother robot is testing daughter on becoming a MOTHER itself. From the challenges that the mother give to her and if she is a perfect fit of becoming a mother in the bunker with more than 15,000 embryos that were waiting to be born.

Mother robot wants to make sure that the daughter is ready to become one that daughter is also the same as Mother's goal to repopulate these embryos just like her.

Outstanding Visual Effects

The effects and the animation for this movie was great from the robot itself that looks tike it's real and it looks futuristic given that it was released 5 years ago.

What Do you like about it?

I like how the Mother robot portrayed as a mother and with an emotion the same as people is also remarkable. This may be the world in the future that the robots will dominate the world that leads to extinction of the humanity but I hope this will not true in the future.

Their acting skills were superb like the daughter was very confuse where to side if she will side to the "Mother" robot or to the woman that she only met once.

The daughter was determined on becoming a mother and that's what mother's do or people do when they saw a baby that no one takes care of.


The movie was almost two hours long but the story is really awesome from where it started to what it ended. It may happen to us like this in the future but the humanities emotion and desire of taking care of babies are unexplainable.

This movie also reminds me of my mother that always takes care of us from how I was born up until today. The loved of a mother is never ending and she will do everything just to make me happy all the time.

Although there will be a time that we (ourselves) will become a mother of our child and also takes care of our child just like our mother. It's a cycling process that it never ends but love will prevail at the end from the mother to the daughter, son, or baby.

I would rate this movie 9/10 because of the story and its futuristic animation. It has lots of learning on becoming a mother that it will do everything to protect their daughter or their baby from disasters that may happen.

Note: The first photo was edited by myself using canva
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