Review of the horror movie Hereditary .. A terrifying psychological journey that will pierce your nerves

مراجعة فيلم الرعب Hereditary.. رحلة نفسية مرعبة ستلعب على أعصابك - Aflam Talk.jpg

Humans ... what interesting creatures! They come out of their mothers' stomachs, and gradually grow up until they reach the stage of starting a family. You find them looking for the other half they yearn for, give birth to as young as they were, and then the life cycle continues for years and centuries ... until an indefinite period.

However, there are those who break this cycle, this controversial existential cycle! There are those who are tempted to deviate from the road, and we all know the fate of these deviants, to be searched out of reckless curiosity for forbidden matters, for things that we are destined to avoid. That existential cycle begins to diminish little by little, forever. There are those who beg themselves to go to the most forbidden places for this controversial object, and then fall into the pit of remorse when remorse does not work.

مراجعة فيلم الرعب Hereditary.. رحلة نفسية مفزعة ستنخر أعصابك 5 - Aflam Talk.jpg

The metaphysical world is forbidden for us to approach; Simply because it is not from our specialization and has been forbidden to us forever, not because it is forbidden to us for no reason, but because we cannot and will bring upon ourselves a horror for which we are not ready at all. And if only the characters in the movie Hereditary would listen, when they arrived when they were inferno.

The story of the movie Hereditary takes place in this world that he warned us about, about the death of the great-grandmother of the Graham family, who allowed herself to cross into the other world. She dies, leaving behind nothing but the misery and grim evil that befell her peaceful daughter and family, as hidden and terrifying secrets related to their dynasty are revealed to them, and the more they are revealed to them, the more they find themselves trying to escape from the sinister fate that has dominated and possessed them.

You may have become like us; Desperate in horror movies, where you hear that one was released somewhere and caused a commotion around it, only to discover that it is a completely trivial movie. But don't believe everything they say and rejuvenate horror movies in yet another try with this movie, BUT!

However, don't just wait for a horror movie! You must prepare for a terrifying journey that will play on your psyche and swing on your nerves until you lose it completely, with the terrifying horror that this movie will present to you on a cold plate that will eat your psyche little by little until it consumes it!

مراجعة فيلم الرعب Hereditary.. رحلة نفسية مفزعة ستنخر أعصابك 4 - Aflam Talk.jpg

The film's events take place slowly, and continue in an incremental sequence over a period of about two hours. And if you are a fan of horror movies, you should have patience with him, because you will be rewarded with one of the scariest and most dreadful cinematic experiences that you may see in your life, especially if you watch it alone late at night. So prepare, then prepare!

What about the performance of the film's characters, especially since most of these films focus only on horrifying content and forget the performative side of the actors? Without introductions, if the film's female lead isn't nominated for the best female role next year at the Oscars, you don't need to watch it anymore. Actress Tony Collette's performance as Mother was incredibly moving and legendary. She gave the role more than it was entitled to, and was wonderful without exaggeration.

The wonderful acting didn't stop there, of course, as the rest of the characters were amazingly terrible, especially the son and daughter. Here we are talking about horror movies that are worth, when you combine great story and beautiful performance. And let's be published to direct Ari Aster, who has proven his talent for creating real horror, and the ability to show the unique vision of a successful movie. The work combined all the factors that determine which cinematic film deserves, regardless of its artistic category.

Not forgetting to pay tribute to A24, the distribution and production company that often selects only outstanding and unique cinematic works. You just have to take a look at her record of the films she is working on to know that she is one of the best film companies currently in the field.

We may have exaggerated a little bit in our introduction to review, but give the film a chance and you will know that you are facing a film that will remain a milestone in horror cinema, like its peers from horror films that left their mark over the years; The best example that comes to mind is The Exorcist. If you appreciate the latter, don't miss Hereditary.

مراجعة فيلم الرعب Hereditary.. رحلة نفسية مفزعة ستنخر أعصابك 2 - Aflam Talk.jpg

The only thing that might be frustrating for some, for me too, is the length of the movie and a bit slow. It starts out as heavy, then the excitement continues upward until it reaches its climax at the end which is considered very shocking and frightening. The film is not directed at children or for those with weak hearts, as there are some shots with a strange sense and out of this world, and with a shocking appearance, and therefore watching the movie night or day does not matter, because your ability to fear will actually test. A terrifying action directed only at the pioneers of this category of films.

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