“You” Season 3 Was Intense

The long anticipated season of the show “You” was finally released on Netflix. If you have been following the series I guess it will be easier to understand my content on the season 3.


For those of you who have no idea what “You” is, let me give you a little recap. The series is about a psychotic killer named “Joe” who always kills for the people he loved. This was because of a child hood trauma. This trauma was based on Joe killing his father because he saw his father abusing his mother. He doesn’t like it when people get bullied or abused especially those he loves. So he grew up killing people that hurts the people he loves.



Joe finally met a beautiful woman called “Love”, she was very kind and nice. She was full of life and the most charming person you can ever think of in this life. But she also has her dark side too. Guess what? She kills people also. When Joe found out, he was disgusted because he couldn’t live with someone like him.

The irony right? He can’t stand to be with a murderer meanwhile he is also a murderer.


Joe was about to kill her because she killed someone he once cared about, but she told Joe she was pregnant and Joe felt a feeling of remorse. This was based on him about to be a father. Joe promised himself that he was going to be a good father by not killing anyone anymore.

I just gave you a recap of the previous seasons

Now this season 3 starts off with Joe, Love and their son moving to a new suburbia environment to try and live a normal life. Joe had fallen out of love for Love because he was disgusted by her killing attitude, but he couldn’t leave the marriage because they have a child together. So Joe decided to find love elsewhere. Joe Met their next door neighbor called Nathalie who was very beautiful. She liked Joe and wanted to have sex with Joe. Joe refused because he promised himself he was going to be a good father and husband. Love found out, couldn’t control her anger, so she killed the neighbor.


Alright, am almost telling you everything that happened in this season. I won’t spoil it because am not a spoiler. But after Love killed the neighbor, Nathalie, the intensity of the movie arose from there.

This season is a solid 8/10 for me, because the writers were really smart and strategic with their writings. Some of the events that took the place in the movie really seamed realistic. The movie has a way of making you understand the feelings of the bad guy and see things from their own point of view

If You have seen the series we can chat about it

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