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(Eng/Esp) Development of the Peacemaker

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Bienvenidos muchachones y muchachonas de hive que se entretienen en el mundo de las series y películas en este caso para discutir sobre PEACEMAKER CON SPOILERS, tengo que resaltar que el fragmento del video en español comienza a partir del minuto 09:00. Destaco las características del personaje con el entorno que le rodea para establecer distintos aspectos del Peacemaker como puede ser su relación, familiar y amorosa.

Personaje con una base ya establecida en The Suicide Squad dirigida por James Gunn y que en esta serie conocemos mas de el. En los primeros capítulos el personaje presenta un desarrollo bastante lento ya que se enfoca mas en la acción y os chistes que aunque están acordes con el personaje, me parecen excesivos en este comienzo de la serie y ya a mitad de la serie, alrededor del capitulo tres, es donde empiezo a disfrutar plenamente de la serie ya que todos los personajes al estar establecidos, Peacemaker puede empezar a desarrollarse junto a ellos desde sus traumas hasta el Héroe que sueña ser.

Welcome boys and girls of hive who are entertained in the world of series and movies in this case to discuss about PEACEMAKER WITH SPOILERS, I have to emphasize that the fragment of the video in Spanish begins from minute 09:00. I highlight the characteristics of the character with the environment that surrounds him to establish different aspects of the Peacemaker as can be his relationship, family and love.

Character with a base already established in The Suicide Squad directed by James Gunn and that in this series we know more about him. In the first chapters the character presents a fairly slow development as it focuses more on action and jokes that although they are in line with the character, I find excessive at the beginning of the series and already halfway through the series, around chapter three, is where I start to fully enjoy the series as all the characters to be established, Peacemaker can begin to develop along with them from their traumas to the hero he dreams of being.

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A partir de este momento empiezo con la sección de spoiler en esta descripción para poder dar una idea mas clara y disfrutar de mi reseña.

El espectro del personaje evoluciona en tres fragmentos que son la violencia de la mano con Vigilante que en la serie es bastante tonto y pienso que esto lo tiene que mejorar la serie porque tienen un diamante en bruto con este personaje que agrega un toque explosivo a la serie con su comportamiento y batalla pero en momentos y debido a los chistes sobre cargados, pareciera que no tiene cerebro y al contrario, tienen que colocarle neuronas para que así el personaje crezca junto a Peacemaker y se puedan complementar de mejor manera. La violencia es exquisita sobre todo cuando luchan contra el Gorila y en la escena final Vigilante se defiende de manera magistral contra los enemigos

La relación de Peacemaker con su padre se maneja muy bien ya que el Dragón Blanco hace presencia para seguir atormentado a nuestro protagonista que debido a la pésima crianza, era puesto en peleas callejeras con su hermano mientras su padre cobraba las apuestas a las personas que asistían al lugar, es en este momento que su hermano muere por un golpe y esto deja el peor trauma en el personaje principal de la serie que en su conciencia siente que fue su culpa y su padre se encarga de que lo sienta así. Escena que mas me agrado es el cierre de la serie porque cuando pensábamos que se había librado de su padre, el verdadero enemigo es su conciencia y ahora ve a su padre en su mente y su pelea continua contra un enemigo eterno, su padre.

From this moment on I start with the spoiler section in this description in order to give a clearer idea and enjoy my review.

The spectrum of the character evolves in three fragments that are the violence of the hand with Vigilante that in the series is quite silly and I think that this has to improve the series because they have a diamond in the rough with this character that adds an explosive touch to the series with his behavior and battle but at times and due to the over loaded jokes, it seems that he has no brain and on the contrary, they have to put neurons so that the character grows with Peacemaker and they can complement each other in a better way. The violence is exquisite especially when they fight against the Gorilla and in the final scene Vigilante defends himself in a masterful way against the enemies.

Peacemaker's relationship with his father is handled very well since the White Dragon makes presence to continue tormenting our protagonist that due to the bad upbringing, was put in street fights with his brother while his father charged the bets to the people who attended the place, it is at this moment that his brother dies from a blow and this leaves the worst trauma in the main character of the series that in his conscience feels that it was his fault and his father is in charge of making him feel that way. The scene that I liked the most is the closing of the series because when we thought that he had gotten rid of his father, the real enemy is his conscience and now he sees his father in his mind and his fight continues against an eternal enemy, his father.

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El espectro emocional del Peacemaker que mas me agrado fue el Amor con Harcourt quien al principio le trataba muy frío y distante, claro como no hacerlo si el Peacemaker es un mujeriego pero a medida que la serie avanza, este personaje que no representaba mucho para mi, termino siendo uno de mis favoritos porque logra ver en el protagonista que es una persona buena castigada por la culpa y el entorno donde creció.

Hay una escena don ella le ve pelear con su ya muerto padre, Peacemaker esta en una condición emocional muy grave y su mente lo refleja, la trama continua y cuando Harcourt es herida, el es quien la protege y le ayuda, da todo por ella, esto la protagonista lo nota creando un lazo muy bonito entre ambos personajes porque cuando están en el hospital, Nuestro protagonista siempre le visita y es ella quien conoce los males del Peacemkaer y cuando el le tiende su mano, ella ahora con cariño toma la de el porque ella estará ahora siempre para ayudarle.

The emotional spectrum of Peacemaker that I liked the most was the Love with Harcourt who at the beginning treated him very cold and distant, of course how not to do it if Peacemaker is a womanizer but as the series progresses, this character that did not represent much for me, ended up being one of my favorites because he manages to see in the protagonist that he is a good person punished by the guilt and the environment where he grew up.

There is a scene where she sees him fighting with his dead father, Peacemaker is in a very serious emotional condition and his mind reflects it, the plot continues and when Harcourt is injured, he is the one who protects and helps her, he gives everything for her, the protagonist notices this creating a very nice bond between the two characters because when they are in the hospital, our protagonist always visits him and it is she who knows the evils of Peacemkaer and when he reaches out his hand, she now lovingly takes his hand because she will now always be there to help him.

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