RE: DC's Constantine and the Catholic Doctrine: Reel Vs. Real Life

while i do not share your affection for the catholic faith and see many things differently than you describe, this was immensely refreshing to read!!!

i am inspired by people who stick to their faith in an era when demons and exorcisms - officially, on the world stage - do not exist. hollywood has put these things into movies and thereby reduced them to the realm of fiction in most people's minds... when on the other hand, the modern entertainment industry has artificially elevated purely fictional concepts to a state of 'modern plausibility' everyone believes in unquestioningly. such as the idea that pur ancestors were monkeys and that the universe is unintelligent, stupid and random. i don't think so ;)

guess it's a follow ;)

ever since seeing through the matrix system i grew up in i have cherished people who exercise their faith and speak their truth in their highest conviction


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