CONTEST: Mis Series/Películas Favoritas de Comedia - My Favorite Comedy Series/Movies


Quiero empezar diciendo que soy un fan de ma comedia en todas sus presentaciones, porque no hay nada mejor en este mundo que ver una buena comedia... aqui mi lista #ComedyWeek contest

I want to start by saying that I am a fan of comedy in all its presentations, because there is nothing better in this world than to see a good comedy ... here is my list




"Borat: lecciones culturales de Estados Unidos para beneficio de la gloriosa nación de Kazajistán" es una pelicula con un formato de falso documental (mockumentary), esta pelicula es super irreverente, cargada de un humor negro, la Actuacion de Sasha Baron Cohen esta simplemente a otro nivel, la menera en que reliza los pranks, es una pelicula que tiene comedia literalmente hasta en el titulo.

Fue una pelicula muy bien recibida por la critica, tambien fue una pelicula bastante controversial y polarizante y es entendible, pero para mi es una de las mejores peliculas de comedia que he visto.

"Borat:Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstanis" it's a movie with a mockumentary format, this movie is super irreverent and with dark humor, Sasha Baron Cohen's Performance is simply a Another level, the way he does the pranks, it is a movie that literally has comedy right down to the title.

It was a film very well received by critics, it was also a very controversial and polarizing film and it is understandable, but for me it is one of the best comedy films I have seen.

21 jump street


21 Jump Street

21 jump street (o comando especial como se le conocio en latinoamerica) es una pelicula que mezcla la Comedia con un poco de accion, dandonos asi muchas situaciones absurdas y a su vez bastaste comicas. Todo esto sin contar el excelente cast, con Jonah Hill y Channing Tatum (que por cierto que buena quimica tienen) como protagonistas logran adentrarnos en la trama y ver como se van resolviendo los conflictos.

Esta pelicula no solo me parece super comica e interesante, sino que tambien juego un rol importante la nostalgia y es que esta fue una de las primeras peliculas del genero que vi y que me engancho, porque no eran solo un compilado de chistes, sino que tambien tenia una trama entretenida, por estas razones es que esta pelicula no podia faltar

It is a film that mixes Comedy with a little action, thus giving us many absurd situations and at the same time you were quite comic. All this without counting the excellent cast, with Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum (who by the way have good chemistry) as protagonists manage to get into the plot and see how the conflicts are resolved.

This movie not only seems super funny and interesting to me, but nostalgia also plays an important role and it is that this was one of the first movies of the genre that I saw and that I was hooked, because they were not only a compilation of jokes, but they It also had an entertaining plot, for these reasons is that this movie could not be missing

The office USA


The Office

Puedo empezar diciendo que esta es mi sitcom favorita, la verdad es que la vi completa de inicio a fin hace muy poco, siempre me habia llamado la atencion porque se que tiene muy buenas criticas y muy en el fondo sabia que iba a ser una buena serie de comedia (y no me defraudo), siento que en el espectro de comedia lo tiene todo, pueden haber chistes basico como pueden haber chistes demasiados sutiles y aqui creo que es donde esta la magia de esta serie.

Steve Carrel en el papel de Michael Scott es otro nivel, Michael Scott sirvio de inspiracion para otros personajes en otras sitcoms, y es que antes de Michael no habia nadie igual. En general todo el cast de esta seria es perfecto, la quimica que tienen John krasinski y Jenna Fischer es sorprendente, y Rainn Wilson en su papel de Dwight es genial.

Es una serie llena de comedia pero tambien de momentos emotivos. Es simplemente una masterpiece de la comedia y por esa razon esta aqui.

I can start by saying that this is my favorite sitcom, the truth is that I saw it in its entirety from beginning to end very recently, it had always caught my attention because I know it has very good reviews and deep down I knew it was going to be a good one Comedy series (and I am not disappointed), I feel that in the comedy spectrum it has everything, there can be basic jokes as there can be too subtle jokes and here I think is where the magic of this series is.

Steve Carrel in the role of Michael Scott is another level, Michael Scott served as an inspiration for other characters in other sitcoms, and before Michael there was no one like him. In general, the entire cast of this series is perfect, the chemistry that John Krasinski and Jenna Fischer have is surprising, and Rainn Wilson in his role as Dwight is great.

It is a series full of comedy but also emotional moments. It is simply a masterpiece of comedy and for that reason it is here.

How i met your mother



"Como conoci a tu madre" consiste en Ted Mosby contandole a sus hijos como conocio a su madre, una premisa facil de entender, pero que da mucho para desarrolar historias interesantes, La serie juega con la linea del tiempo y es que como se supone que todas las historias que son contadas en la serie ya pasaron suelen jugar con el pasado y el "futuro" mostrando a veces la situacion final y despues el como llegaron ahi, a nivel de comedia es bastante buena, fue la primera sitcom que vi y tal vez la causante de que sea fan de la comedia actualmente, entonces tiene un valor sentimental muy grande, puede ser que no sea una genialidad de comedia, puede caer a veces en cliches, pero si dejamos de analizar todo con lupa y solo nos dejamos llevar por la experiencia, esta serie es una de las mejores, y es literalmente una historia que nos estan narrando, por lo que es contada de la manera mas enganchante posible, aunque muchas personas no les gusto el final debo admitir que yo si lo disfrute mucho y quede conforme.
Simplemente me encanta esta serie.

"How I met your mother" consists of Ted Mosby telling his children how he met their mother, an easy premise to understand, but which gives a lot to develop interesting stories, The series plays with the timeline and that is how it is supposed that all the stories that are told in the series have already passed, they usually play with the past and the "future" sometimes showing the final situation and then how they got there, at the comedy level it is quite good, it was the first sitcom I saw and Perhaps the cause that is currently a fan of comedy, so it has a very great sentimental value, it may not be a comedy genius, it can sometimes fall into cliches, but if we stop analyzing everything with a magnifying glass and we just get carried away From experience, this series is one of the best, and it is literally a story that they are telling us, so it is told in the most engaging way possible, although many people did not like the ending, I must admit that I did enjoy it a lot. so what I agree.
I just love this series.




Seinfeld, aunque es una serie bastante vieja, nunca la habia visto, pero siempre la habia oido y entonces este año decidi verla y la verdad es que aun no ma he visto completa, pero con lo que he visto ya tengo bases para decir que es una gran sitcom, y es que la premisa de la serie es no tener premisa, es "Un show Sobre nada", simplemente situaciones cotidianas tal vez un poco exageradas, pero son tan comunes que es facil de empatizar, ademas de que como no tiene una trama super definida, da mucha mas libertad creativa para los chistes, ya que no estan atados a nada.

Esta serie fue la que catapulto a Jerry Seinfeld, no solo por la fama de la serie sino por la bien escrita (a nivel de comedia) que esta, todo esto logrado obviamente con la ayuda del gran Larry David quien es un excelente escritor de comedia, y lo ha demostrado con trabajos posteriores como Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Seinfeld, although it is a quite old series, I had never seen it, but I had always heard it and then this year I decided to watch it and the truth is that I have not seen it complete yet, but with what I have seen I already have grounds to say that it is a great sitcom, and it is that the premise of the series is not to have a premise, it is "A show about nothing", simply everyday situations maybe a little exaggerated, but they are so common that it is easy to empathize, in addition to that since it does not have a Super defined plot, gives much more creative freedom for jokes, since they are not tied to anything.

This series was the one that catapulted Jerry Seinfeld, not only because of the series' fame but also because of the well-written (comedy level) that it is, all this obviously achieved with the help of the great Larry David who is an excellent comedy writer. , and has shown it with later works such as Curb Your Enthusiasm.


Todas estas Series/Peliculas las disfruto mucho y les tengo mucho cariño, solo el simple hecho de escribir este post me hizo notar que de verdad me gustan mucho estas obras, algunas basante viejas, otras relativamente modernas, pero todas con un gran nivel de comedia.

All these Series / Movies I enjoy very much and I have a lot of affection for them, just the simple fact of writing this post made me realize that I really like these works a lot, some quite old, others relatively modern, but all with a high level of comedy .



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