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Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016) Review

A Chilling Horror Fantasy Film

It's the weekend and it means movie time for me and a review for y’all!



It’s been a while since I sat down and watched a good film. Today, I stumbled upon Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, a film by Tim Burton back in 2016. The film is adapted from a book that I happened to read two years ago. I recalled a few pieces here and there especially about the pictures of the peculiar children that were frightening to me. The book itself is intended for young adults but upon reading, I think it’s a bit too horror and gruesome for anyone below 15 years old to read this book. Looking back, maybe they do not see it the way I do and just treat it as “fun adventurous fantasy” read. Nevertheless, the film left me hooked for 2 hours, felt chilling and also got me a good laugh.

The movie itself is rated 17+ and it starts with horror music with some vintage pictures of people with white eyes. It definitely sets the tone for the movie to think that it was quite chilling. Who are these people?


Then, the movie took place somewhere in Florida with a boy named Jake played by Asa Butterfield who has a grandfather that was considered mentally ill. His grandfather was part of the people that were called “ the peculiar children”. He used to tell Jake about these people and covered it as a bedtime story. But Jake took it seriously and believed in his grandfather. Interestingly, Jake wasn't afraid of these people despite one of them being invisible. There were subtle references about World War II that unless you are old enough, you wouldn’t understand about the “bad people reference ”.


In the modern world, Jake's grandfather was assassinated by barron, a man who wanted to be immortal and is the antagonist of the series. Apparently, barron is part of a hollowgast monster who feeds on peculiars and they have white eyes as their eyes were taken during an experiement. Later, to cope with the death of his beloved grandfather, he went to a psychiatrist who then suggested that he visit the place that the grandfather mentioned. There, he found out the children orphanage was bombed and was simply a ruin. He couldn’t believe what happened until he got back for the second time and met some peculiar children who wants to take him to the home. This is the part where Jake’s adventure with ymbryne and the peculiar children started.


Fast forward, Jake got to know all the peculiar children and their ability. And Jake, feeling like he couldn’t fit in, found home around these children and Miss peregrine. As he felt accepted, he eventually found out what his peculiarity was.


He could see the hollowgast while the other children couldn’t. So, essentially, Jake was the key that could help peculiar children and ymbryne to fight the hollowgast. Their journey soon took another thrilling adventure where they even transported to modern time to trap the hollowgast, especially barron.

They eventually could overpower barron and kill some of the hollowgast. However, Miss Peregrine was slightly injured and they lost their home. It forced them to abandon their previous loop and was in search of another one. At the same time, after the battle, Jake returned to the time and found that his Grandpa was alive. Thanks to them killing the baron and flipped the time into before Jake’s grandpa’s assasination.

What will happen to Jake next? I’ll let you figure out.

This movie started out pretty slow and can be a bit boring. I forced myself to stay for a few while until Jake started to meet the peculiar children and that’s where it got me intriguing. Having to recall reading the book, it wasn’t as chilling as I’d like to expect, as the book was much more descriptive and darker than the film.


The movie itself was rather cheerful and Miss peregrine looked nothing like I imagined. I thought she was more authoritative and would be cold. But she was warmer than in the book. I don’t recall other children but seeing them illustrated in the movie was pretty intriguing too. I would say, this is no movie for children just like it was written on the movie advisory, it’s for 17+ also it’s actually a bit darker than a fantasy children movie would.

I would say if you enjoy some good fantasy horror, this is a good movie to pass the time. In terms of overall rating, I’d give it 6/7 and I am not disappointed about having to rent it from youtube movies. I also want the sequel of this movie and hoping tim burton would ever want to produce this other stories.

Did you know that you could rent out movies from Youtube ?


There are old movies that are worth watching and the prices aren’t too bad. They are also payable with google play and a lot of e-wallet(at least in Indonesia). It’s also not a subscription so, I don’t feel like committing to anything, which is something I prefer. I also mostly find movies from there because its convenience. Let me know if you've watched this one.


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