What Do These Two Movies Have in Common?

I checked out both Runaway Bride and Tuck Everlasting from my local library this week. There are two copies of Runaway Bride available because it must be checked out a lot. The reason for this is because it was filmed about fifteen minutes away in the small town of Berlin, Maryland.

Though they are very different from each other, both of these movies were filmed in Berlin for its quaint characteristics. Runaway Bride was filmed there for the small-town vibe, while Tuck Everlasting was filmed there to capture the old-fashioned characteristics that would uphold the Victorian Era setting.

Both movies rename the town to fictional names; Runaway Bride to Hale, Maryland and Tuck Everlasting to Treegap, (State Unknown). However, Runaway Bride did less to change the filming location since it took place in modern day times. Tuck Everlasting brought in a more drastic change to the town, such as refurbishing store awnings, switching out store signs, and laying down a dirt road to create an old western town appearance.

The reason I decided to check these movies out was because we decided to eat at the Atlantic Hotel for Thanksgiving this year. The Atlantic Hotel is one of the main focal points at the center of Berlin. Its old-fashioned hotel architecture really enhances the town. In the movie Runaway Bride, Richard Gere stays at this hotel and Julia Roberts sneaks into his room.

The Atlantic Hotel for Thanksgiving⬆️

Berlin, MD ⬆️

Gabby vs. Richard Gere⬆️

Runaway Bride ⬆️

They changed the name of this store for the movie ⬆️

Richard Gere on the porch of the Atlantic Hotel 🥰

Richard Gere making friends in the small town ⬆️

Julia Roberts Sneaking in to the Atlantic Hotel⬆️

She tries to sneak out the window when he catches her⬆️

Tuck Everlasting ⬆️

Tuck Everlasting: Modern Day ⬆️

Tuck Everlasting 1880's⬆️

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