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Man spending his entire weekend in THE SHACK Title Of The Movie.

Hello havians, happy new month good to be here hope your day is splendid. Welcome to the month of June first half of the year.

IMG_20220602_022950_674.JPG THE SHACK. [source] ()

Story of a man who spent his weekend in The Shack.
When things happen we ask God a lot of questions, we feel like God hate us, we become angry with God. We say a lot of things like why me, why did God allow this to happen where were God when this happen, he is a partial God if he is God let him proof himself. But the fact still remains all this can not change God he still remain God forever he still love us unconditional. Even the wicked one we are praying for them to die, is God favorite they are still love by God equally.

So today I want to share a little summary of a movie I watched in this movies /TVshow community titled THE SHACK. I love this movie and I long to watch it again and again there is a very big lesson to learn in this movie. This past month I have gone through a lot that within me I do loss hope and courage and a lot of questions runs through my mind and this has temper with my concentration and focus until one of my friend introduce this movie to me first I refuse to watch the movie but she persuaded I watch so I decided to watch it. Ever since I watch the movie, my hope, courage everything in me stir up.

I discovered that all the things that happened to me, the question, the hatred and bitterness in me all of them were solve in this movie I got my answers still in this movie. I also discovered that nothing take God by surprise, God is not wicked, God does not hate as we think. God love towards us is unconditional the same way he loves us is the same way he love the wicked people around us his wish is not to loss any soul in condemnation. This is why when things happen and we know the person behind the happening we wish to kill the person or let the person suffer the consequences but God does not think that way he is a forgiving God and he always listen to us.

IMG_20220602_023011_122.JPGyoung Mark running home

IMG_20220602_023240_815.JPG Mark meet his father beating his mother he try to help but was beaten back by his father

THE SHACK the movie is a story of a young boy Mark by name born in the mid west to a family who father was an elder in church but drinks to stupor and whenever he is drunk he beat the wife and maltreat her. Mark was not happy about how the father beat the mother but each time he try to help the mother, the father will also beat him up so one day during service Mark went to the pastor and say he had a confession to make when the pastor ask hi m what he is confessing he then broke down in tears that he is sorry he couldn't help the mother from his father beating that he beat her anytime he is drunk the pastor hearing this look at the direction that Mark father was sitting.

IMG_20220602_023604_518.JPGMark being discipline by the father for reporting him to the pastor.

IMG_20220602_023549_797.JPGMark poisoning his father drinks.

After service Mark was seriously beaten by his father for disgracing him to the church. Mark was very bitter he decided to end it by poisoning the father drinks and that was the end of Mark father. From that time till he grows up Mark was feeling guilty and this battle he kept on fighting within him but decided to be a good husband and a good father to his children. But Mark didn't know God because while growing up the father did not show good example as an elder so Mark grow up never to go to church but his wife love God and was committed in church activities and the children. The wife and children knew God as Papa Mark had three children Kate, Josh and Misy. Kate was stubborn never get along with the father, Josh on the other hand was disobeying, lie and sneak out of the house. Misy was the special girl love by the father.

IMG_20220602_022856_214.JPGMissy daddy special child

On that fateful day Mark and the children went to beach tour only for Misy to be kidnap and was killed by her prey. Mark try all his best to find her daughter but it was a fail attempt this make Mark devastated, weak, he cried all day for Misy he try in his power to revenge the death of his daughter all by himself. But the wife was strong and always be his strength. While wallowing in pains and bitterness he was invited by God (papa) to THE SHACK.

IMG_20220602_022827_878.JPGMark on his way to The Shack.

After enough arguing he then make up his mind to visit The Shack, on reaching there he was like being discouraged but as a man he strengthen himself and move in finally mate with papa but he was disbelief because according to our belief papa (God) suppose to a being like light that we can't talk to face to face but unfortunately he was disappointed because this "papa" didn't appear that way. Papa was in form of a man that wear cloth, cook, eat, talk, play, laugh so Mark mind was full with a lot of questions but he overlooked it since that was what took him there. He asked papa (God) why he is so wicked to him, and why he allow his special daughter to die?

Screenshot_20220602-022721.pngMark with God (papa) in The Shack.


And he papa answered him that he didn't kill her daughter but the evil men among him did. On hearing this Mark was very angry with God why should God allowed the wicked men to go unpunished, but papa (God) smile and told him he still love them. This answer get Mark upset he left God but he was stopped by Jesus the light, truth, love and life. Jesus told that he love him all that ( he) Mark need is to allow him to be the center of his life this he shows him instances this encounter change Mark and he believe in God the fear and anger was taken away from Mark. After which he was taken to a judgment throne He was to be a judge in a second. He should the happening in the world Mark was full with bitterness all he could say was that the evil people in the world should perish in hell but the judge didn't accept it because he still love even the sinner, murderer, thief so he couldn't allow them perish in hell.

IMG_20220602_022810_284.JPGMark on the judgment throne.

Mark was order to choose from his two children Kate daughter and Josh his son , one his child will go to heaven while the other will go to hell since he think God should punish any one that commit an offenses. And Mark two children were disobedience, liars and very stubborn so Mark couldn't condemn any of his children he will rather give his life in state of his children. the judge then told Mark what it mean for God to judge and being a loving God he can't allow any of his child to perish or be condemn.

Mark was given a second chance to leave and amend his ways. After the encounter Mark life change he was happy again, from that time on Mark put on a forgiving lifestyle he forgive any one That offend him he leave a good life.

Lesson : no matter what you pass through in life always talk to your father he is always listening, quick in forgiving, love every one you come across because this is the greatest 'LOVE'. Don't let your condition weigh you down put on courage, be strong and handle that situation come out a Victor.

Thank you and remain strong @ladygospel

Source: Movie by summit entertainment.
A Liongate Company.
Movie title : THE SHACK.

First time posting in movies/TV shows community hope it gonna add positively in someone life.
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