Deadpool and Wolverine

Me and Aimee decided to go to the cinema today, and we went all out and intended to have a meal before going to watch the movie.

Sadly though, when I got to Eddie Rockets to get us a table, the que was out the door and there was no chance in getting a seat. Time was getting on, so we went right to the cinema and decided to just get some snacks.



I'm not a big fan of Marvel, and I've actually not watched many of the films. I really like Deadpool, Guardians of the Galaxy, and I have seen many of the others.

This Deadpool film was a great entry to the series though, and me and Aimee were laughing a bunch throughout the film.

Plenty of gore, and quick witted quips at the expense of Disney, the fans, and the actors themselves. All in all, it was a really fun film, and I think that kind of carefree attitiude is what I like about Deadpool, in general. Nobody is safe, and nothing is sacred.

The film kicks right into it straight away, and for the long run time, the films action, and comedy doesn't let up. I'd say for fans of Deadpool, it's a well worth checking out, but in general for fans of quick witted characters and fast paced films it'll be enjoyable.

Movies like this feel fun, but beneath the surface of this action comedy lies a pretty decent story with highs, and lows that the characters go through, and the ending brings us down with an easy landing.

Here's a picture of our tickets, and just to clarify, that's not my hand.

Packed Cinema

It has been a long time since I was at the cinema with more than 10 people at the showing.

Usually when me and Aimee get to go to see a film we want to check out, it's typically a while into it being out, which is most likely why the cinema usually doesn't have anyone in it. The crowd were good though, and there was no one doing anything stupid, like talking, or taking pictures of the screen with their flash on - happened before, and it was irritating.

We also decided to splash and get the Imax screening - which I didn't even know was apart of the cinema in Aimee's town - it was great, and well worth the extra bit of money.

Since we were hungry, we decided to get some Nachos, and to be honest, they were okay, but not worth €6.70.

All in all, it was a nice evening out, and well worth going to see.

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