Divorce Attorney Shin: A Kdrama that shines light on melodramatic divorce cases.

I had the pleasure of watching this drama and it got me thinking hard about what goes on in people's marital lives. Wow! They did a good job in the storytelling and I like how the whole story isn't based on one particular divorce case. They handled a lot of divorce cases and displayed the type of vulnerability that pushes people to the edge of filing for a divorce.

One of the cases made me wonder if the marriage of this era is only a union where partners break each other in half and take advantage of each other till divorce pulls them apart. You never really know what happens in the world of the married until you get to read, watch or listen to an experience narrated by someone that is going through stuff in his or her marital life.


This show is a good way to gain insight into the things that push people towards getting a divorce. Some use divorce as a weapon to take advantage of their partner. You will also see a few cases that dived into that.

Drama: Divorce Attorney Shin

Genre: Law, Drama, Family

Network: JTBC

Episodes: 12

Release Date: March 4 - April 9, 2023

Language: Korean

This show has a lot of legal battles associated with it. As you would expect, that won't be weird for a show that is about divorce. Most divorce cases in the developed world usually get settled through a legal battle. They are quite enjoyable for someone that likes to see attorneys going for the jugular in a law Court. Hehe.


I'm quite impressed with the storytelling in this show. It has everything it takes to give a very serious melodramatic fact-check about marital life. However, I genuinely appreciate the addition of deadpan humour to the show. It wasn't forced in any way. You will just laugh out loud with the delivery of each of that comic relief. And, there was a whole lot of those. Hehe. You've gotta love it.

This is the type of show I would gladly recommend for couples or wannabe couples. I reckon there will be so much to learn from this. It's not like the lovey-dovey kinda shows. It's also not a romantic show. The show is a clear representation of marital life and a portrayal of what should and shouldn't be tolerated in marital relationships.

Who knows? You may learn a thing or two from this that will help you be a better Husband/Wife/Dad/Mum.

The lead character who's a lawyer was a Music Professor in Germany for a while, so, get ready to enjoy some awesome music bits as the show progresses. I fell in love with a lot of the songs that were featured in the show and I even got to add the piano version of Erikonig by Franz Schubert to my playlist.

Just because of the things I learned from this show, I will gladly give it 7.3/10 rating.

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Both pictures are taken from MyDramaList

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