Curtain Call (Kdrama): A melodramatic crime of passion.

After watching the entire 16 episodes of this Kdrama, Curtain Call, I thought of coming up with the major theme that best suits the show. Below is what I came up with;

A melodramatic crime of passion committed by actors to make their audience happy.

All the major characters seem normal and they all have a decent job in the show, yet they did a lot of gutsy things that will make your jaw drop in surprise. The dynamics and complexities of the characters played a huge role in adapting plot twists to the story. You just wouldn't know when it will hit you by surprise. Haha.

The show itself is an emotional rollercoaster. The opening sequence of the show highlighted events that played out when the korean war broke out in the 1950s. If you know anything about those moments, one of the things that will surely cross your mind is the fact that life was not kind to many people. Imagine how things would have been for a family living in North Korea at that time.

A family of husband, wife and their newborn were fleeing from North Korea to South Korea, but only the wife was able to board the ship that departed from North Korea. Her husband and son couldn't make it. That was the beginning of this captivating melodramatic Kdrama as the rest of the story get time skipped to 2022.


Drama: Curtain Call

Network: KBS2

Genre: Family, Life, Drama, Romance.

Episodes: 16

Release Date: Oct 31 - Dec 27, 2022

Language: Korean

I love to get a North Korean vibe when watching Kdramas. I guess that's why the opening sequence of this show left a huge mark on me. How they managed to keep the momentum high throughout the show is still a huge surprise. I usually find it boring when a show doesn't have action in its genre, but this particular show didn't give me time to be bored. Haha.

I think the huge success of this show is partly because the storyline is unique and captivating enough to get viewers like myself hooked until the last episode. Another reason for the success of this show is that they did a good job of flaunting a good number of A-list actors.

Some of the actors they cast in supporting roles were reputable enough to play major roles in other Kdrama projects. But it's not a surprise they agreed to take up minor roles in this particular show since the whole thing that played out in this show was presented as a stage for 'the melodramatic crime of passion' to be displayed. Even the characters were part of the audience in the show. Haha.


This particular woman stole the show in every scene she appeared in. She has a magnetic granny charisma... The type that will make you pick up your phone and make a call to your granny, wherever she is. Haha.

I'm running out of words to use and highlight the brilliance of this Kdrama. This is the kinda tvshow you can watch with your family without feel the need to click the FF button. You may as well take a step further and add it to your watchlist. Have fun.

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