Brain Works (2023 Kdrama); Think before adding this to your watchlist.

I'm a sucker for Crime shows and I enjoy watching the use of Scientific procedures in investigations. When I saw that this Kdrama, Brain Works, has a storyline that points to the partnership of a Hypnotic Investigator, a Detective and a Neuroscientist, I immediately thought it will be a captivating story to watch.

The mere thought of the kinda criminal cases that will warrant the formation of this kinda Investigation team made me have high expectations for what this show will bring to the table. As it stands, I've seen everything there is to see about this show.

Take a guess... Was I satisfied with the quality of this show?


Drama: Brain Works

Genre: Mystery, Comedy, Drama

Network: KBS2

Episodes: 16

Release Date: Jan 2 - Feb 28, 2023

Out of all the netizens I came across on AsianWiki, not even a single person said anything negative about this show. Now, I'm going to be the black sheep and I can't help it because I really can't recommend this show to anyone, except an enemy. Haha.

On a serious note, I believe the synopsis I read before adding this to my watchlist made me raise the bar so high. And, I was very patient with them. I watched each episode with the hope that the show will get really good, but that didn't happen. Watching till the end was something I had to do as a way to give the production crew the benefit of the doubt, yet I wasn't impressed.

Comedy happens to be one of the genre of this show and 'the Detective' was built as the comedic figure in the show.


His character arc is flat and I couldn't care less about that, but every freaking time he says or does something close to 'being funny' he follows that up with a really weird and loud laughter. I dunno about others, but I prefer when characters say or do funny things and allow the viewers to do the laughing.

When a character breathes and follows that up with a laugh, the character is already stealing the laughter from viewers. It's as if he's forcing viewers to find things funny. That was such a sore sight to witness. Sadly, he is one of the major characters. That means loads of screen time. His screenplay was the most boring side of the show, as far as I'm concerned.

The best bit of the show that I enjoyed is the character arc of The Hypnotic Investigator.


She was introduced in the first two episodes as a highly agreeable character with very low self-esteem and self-worth. She was highly ranked in the Police force, but she always got nitpicked unnecessarily by her superior. She had an accident in the third episode that messed up her frontal lobe. And that gave birth to a polar opposite behaviour from her.

She changed her dress code, her manner of speaking, and her level of disagreeableness skyrocketed. I enjoyed every bit of her for the rest of the show. Her character development is quite adorable.

If I'm to rate this Kdrama, 5.5/10 would be the most generous rating I can give them. It is too poor for a 2023 Kdrama.

I saw some fans who are already asking for a second season. Lolz. The 16 episodes we got in the first season are already too much. I can't even imagine myself looking for another season of this show. No way!

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