Baby Reindeer | The perfect Sunday binge

You know when the algorhythm has found you when you are actively binging a series and at the same time you are getting all types of information over the series itself while watching it.

Welcome to the hype of the netflix series 'Baby Reindeer' and yes I am entering the hype full on as well, just as the rest of the world as it seems. or is that just what you want to believe as you want to be part of the hype as well?

Anyways, I am hooked on this true story and so should you be!

Major spoilers ahead, scroll down at own risk!

The plot

This series is about the not-so-successful comedian Donny who lives in London and works in a pub to get by. At some point while he is working in the bar, a girl walks in and starts talking with him.

He gets interested and they have some attention which each other but later on this girl called Martha turns out to go full on stalker modus on Donny. Stalkers can be scary enough, but Donny is also the one who makes just about all the wrong choices on how he is dealing with his stalker situation.

Donny also loves the attention from his stalker, although he also scared about it. And at the same time he is also dating a trans woman and with he path on trying to be a successfull comedian you can also see that he was raped by a man years back because he really 'fell for it'.

Does that all sound just a bit too weird for you? Better get this shocker going then because this series is based on true events and it literally the life story of the director of this series.

Yes, Martha is real and how Donny was groomed is also real

Well aint that something that I learned while I was watching the series. At some point while watching I literally thought ' need to be in a bad trip to come up with this kind of a story' only to learn later on that this is actually everything that the director and main actor Richard Gadd had experienced over the last couple of years.

And telling everything about you story on how you got lured into the stalker and made a lot of poor life choices, and then acting that to re-tell your own story to whole world what you went through? That takes a lot of guts or selflove or selfhate, depending on how you look at it.

Anyway the acting of this series is brilliant. I was annoyed by as well Martha as Donny on what they did, and usually when you experience emotions and are shouting towards you TV, that means that the acting was more than decent.

There are not that many episodes so a rainy weekend will do you wonders, but if you are expecting to finish wit a happy feeling after each episode. The whole vibe throughout the series is eerie, and everytime that is confirmed a bit more. The world has some scary cracks in there and this is another example of it, but also I had to smile a lot.

So yeah, definately a banger if you ask me and you should go on and enter the hype and see what all the Baby Raindeer fuss is all about!

And another spoiler: when you head out on Youtube to see some real life material from him from back in the days....he really does suck as a comedian...

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