Free Guy Review, I'm blissfully spooked😵

If you've seen this movie you are probably wondering what's spooky about it, there isn't anything remotely creepy about the film itself. My experience and a shocking coincidence are what's weird about it. But as I said, I'm spooked but I'm blissfully so🤩.

I recently made this post for a Dreemport thingy I had and the movie turned out to be a better, animated version of what I had in mind while writing the post. It seems surreal to me. The movie just brought what I had in my head to life in a beautiful excellently developed way.

You may think I'm overreacting but ahhhhh, I'm so excited at the thought of the possibility of my overactive imagination birthing something equally beautiful someday, somewhere, somehow.

unto my review...

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I'm late to board the free guy bus. I know, I know.
In my own opinion though I couldn't have watched it at a better time. I'd seen reviews of it around here for a while now but I never read any of them for some reason so I had no spoilers whatsoever.

I also didn't know what to expect so I can say I watched it with an open mind independent of any bias that may have been there as a result of something I'd read previously.

The film got me hooked from the first second after the 20th-century fox clip. The soundtrack used there was so catchy it would've been impossible not to pay absolute attention. I give Guy's (Ryan Reynolds) intro at this part some credit too. His voice plus the tune just came together to make the perfect first impression.


I didn't get the full gist until minutes after it had started. I was just there confused, wondering why everyone was so calm amid all the chaos. The confusion wasn't annoying at all, it just made me really attentive to what was going on. The plot slowly eases you into it, kinda like pieces of puzzles that finally come together to form a whole picture.

At first, it seems like he is just a normal guy living his normal boring life in a normal (suspiciously colourful) world but everything begins to change when he sees the woman of his dreams. Another confusing thing at first was the frequent transition from Free City to the real world but as I kept on watching, it became very easy to differentiate. Mostly because the Skins looked different in the game than they did in the real world.

This movie is a mash-up of different individually interesting genres. The first and most important being science-fiction, it had some romance too. The whole gaming concept the filmmakers went with is genius, it was very refreshing to watch and I can say I haven't ever seen a movie like this which for me is a huge plus.


In my opinion, Free Guy is a masterpiece and It isn't just because of one thing. Every element in the film came together to form a motion picture symphony that embedded itself into my mind. I don't usually see movies more than once but I'll watch this movie as many times as I possibly can.

The cast was expertly selected, they fit and executed their roles perfectly. It was nice to see Steve from stranger things. His acting in both films is very similar but it suits him. Where he was the playboy jock in stranger things, he was the nerdy game coder in this movie. The roles are very different but he gave off the same vibe in both of them.

Ryan Reynolds was as hilarious as always and most of us know what this is like already so I won't elaborate. I haven't seen the lady that played Millie in a previous film but she did a pretty good job here. Her acting was good both as Millie the AI developer and as Molotov. The dude that played Antwann was a pleasure to watch. He was the perfect antagonist so this is a plus for him.


This movie was hilarious in all the right places and it wasn't just the words that were spoken or the actions, the soundtracks used added a ton of humour. There's something wonderful about perfect timing and I can say that this element was used to perfection in this film.

The whole production is a collaboration of great minds and equally great actors, I can't emphasise the brilliance enough. I especially liked the strategic appearance of Chris Evans, it was definitely one of the high points in the film.


Free Guy is everything and more. Besides the an hour plus of premium entertainment, it is packed with lessons to be learned. It isn't only entertaining, it is also educative. One thing I learned is that it is okay to break free from the status quo and that I can be a lot more than I'm expected to be.

There are no loopholes from my perspective, everything was well developed. The movie isn't perfect though but I can comfortably say that it is near-perfect.

Everything considered and without bias from my obvious love of the film (i think?), I rate this movie a whooping 9 out of 10.

I highly recommend you see this movie if you haven't already. I assure you that (in the tweaked words of Guy) it'll feel like the sunrise made a baby with your eyes😂. The experience will speak for itself, trust me😉.

Here's the trailer for your viewing pleasure😎;

Thanks a lot for reading❤️ I hope you enjoyed it🤗

P.s: I'm off to download Fantasy by Mariah Carey. Yes, it's from the movie...obviously.

Until next time...toodles👋✌️

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