Spinning out: Mi opinión y recomendación/ Spinning out: My opinion and recommendation [ESP/ENG]

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Hola amigos, hoy les traigo una reseña y mi opinión sobre una serie que recientemente he terminado, Spinning out, primeramente les quiero decir que amo con mi alma el patinaje sobre hielo, es una arte y una disciplina tan increíble que cautiva a cualquier persona.
Hello friends, today I bring you a review and my opinion about a series that I have recently finished, Spinning out, first of all I want to tell you that I love ice skating with my soul, it is an art and such an incredible discipline that it captivates anyone.

Spinning Out - Cancelled by Netflix after 1 Season.jpg

Spinning out es una serie original de Netflix que solo tiene una temporada de tan solo 10 capitulos, en esta serie se nos presenta la historia de Kat una excelente patinadora sobre hielo que debido a un accidente traumático decide renunciar al patinaje, pero en su corazón sabe que es lo que más desea en el mundo, pero tiene tanto miedo que no quiere entrar a la pista de nuevo, su familia es un poco difícil pues su mamá también era patinadora pero padece de transtorno bipolar y eso pone la situación con sus dos hijas algo complicadas, su salud mental está al borde y lastimosamente su hija mayor padece de lo mismo debido a la genética.

Spinning out is a Netflix original series that only has one season of only 10 episodes, in this series we are presented with the story of Kat an excellent ice skater who, due to a traumatic accident, decides to give up skating, but in her heart she knows which is what he most wants in the world, but he is so afraid that he does not want to enter the rink again, his family is a bit difficult because his mother was also a skater but suffers from bipolar disorder and that puts the situation with his two daughters somewhat complicated, his mental health is on the edge and unfortunately his eldest daughter suffers from the same due to genetics.

Spinning Out (TV Series 2020) - IMDb.jpg

Pero alguien está dispuesta a ayudarla a superar sus trauma para volver a patinar, ahora la decisión recae en ella, ¿Lo hara?

But someone is willing to help her overcome her trauma to skating again, now her decision rests with her, will she?

SPINNING OUT Series Trailer, Images and Poster (1).jpg

La serie en mi opinión es rápida de ver, debido a que no es tediosa, son solo 10 capitulos pero tiene un final inconcluso y no se renovo así que lastimosamente quedas un poco mal con el final.

The series in my opinion is quick to watch, because it is not tedious, there are only 10 chapters but it has an unfinished ending and it was not renewed so unfortunately you are a bit bad with the ending.

SPINNING OUT Series Trailer, Images and Poster.jpg

Yo a la serie le daría 8/10 de puntuación porque me gusta la trama pero me hubiese gustado que abordarán el tema de la salud mental de la protagonista y de su mamá con un poco más de fuerza, sin embargo no es el común drama novelesco pues es para mayores de 18 años y tratan asuntos un poco fuertes.

I would give the series 8/10 as a score because I like the plot but I would have liked them to address the subject of the mental health of the protagonist and her mother with a little more force, however it is not the common romance drama Well, it is for people over 18 years of age and they deal with issues that are a bit strong.


Images from pinterest/ Imagenes de pinterest

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