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What if Captain America were a girl and British?


Marvel and Disney have an opportunity to redo their best movie moments into half-hour animations with their new show, What If... and judging by the first episode, this looks like it's going to be an entertaining show.

I really like this cel-shading animation style. It feels like real-life people were just traced or converted into a cartoon. The voice acting and characters felt just like their live-action counterparts.

The first story looks into the universe where it was Peggy Carter who got the super-soldier serum instead of Steve Rogers. I know most guys feel so sick of how Hollywood portrays women as invincible simply for being women and the male characters are always weak pathetic pushovers, but I really enjoyed all of the action scenes and story without feeling that way at all. Even though this is a different universe from the one we knew before, it's interesting how some things were still destined to be like Peggy and Steve's love for each other, even though he's still a weakling from Brooklyn.

Youtube sucks now. Spotify has literally ruined the internet for me by stealing my favorite talent and putting it behind their wall. Sure, you can stream a lot for free, but I can't. It won't work from my location and they are good at detecting VPNs. And I really haven't liked any of the new shows that have come out since my Game of Thrones and The Mandalorian fix got taken away, but I will look forward to watching new What If... episodes every week.

I downloaded this from the Pirate Bay then pressed the Print Screen button during the parts I liked to get these screenshots. I used Adobe Photoshop CS5 portable which I also got from the Pirate Bay to crop and adjust the images. If you don't want to be a pirate like me, you can see the legit sources below. Thanks for reading. Which What If story are you looking forward to or think they should make?
