[ESP/ENG] Iniciativa: 3 Películas que te causaron pesadillas // Initiative: 3 movies that caused nightmares

Hello friends, the cute @littlegremlin gave me nightmares with this initiative in which he invited me to participate!

Hola amigos, el lindo @littlegremlin me ocasionó pesadillas con èsta iniciativa en la cual me invitó a participar!

Publicación de Redes Sociales Fiesta de Halloween Viernes Terrorífico.png

The slogan is to make a top of 3 movies that have caused you nightmares, I leave the original post here so that you can see its top 3 and read the steps to follow.

La consigna es hacer un top de 3 peliculas que te hayan causado pesadillas, les dejo el post original aquí para que pasen a ver su top 3 y lean los pasos a seguir

Initiative: 3 movies that gave you nightmares @Littlegremlin

1-The Cat in the Hat

el gato.jfif

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Ok, I can't even look at the image ... haha ​​I'm really scared. I'm going to tell you something, I suffer from "pupaphobia" which is the fear of puppets, and of "human" style costumes. So the vast majority of the movies that I am going to list in this top are not horror movies.

Ok, no puedo ni mirar la imagen... haha me da muchísimo miedo. Les voy a contar algo, yo sufro de "pupafobia" que es el miedo a los títeres, y a los disfraces del estilo "humanos", así que la gran mayoría de las películas que voy a enumerar en éste top no son películas de terror.

2 -Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County


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I would like to see this again to see if it continues to cause me as much fear as at that time. It's a movie that was seen a lot on TV when I was little. To my surprise none of my friends saw it! You have seen it? It is about a boy who shoots a video on Thanksgiving night and his family is attacked by aliens. It looked SO real that I had nightmares and would spend long hours of the night awake in fear of being abducted.

esta me gustaria volver a ver a ver si me sigue causando tanto miedo como en ese momento. Es una pelicula que pasaban mucho en la tv cuando yo era pequeña. Para mi sorpresa ninguno de mis amigos la vio! ¿tu lo has visto? trata de un chico que filma un video en la noche de accion de gracias y su familia es atacada por unos aliens. Se veia TAN real que tenia pesadillas y pasaba largas horas de la noche despierta con miedo de ser abducida.

3- Jim and the Giant Peach


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You can laugh at me ... haha ​​but have you seen those faces? those insects are made by the devil! haha ok no.
I really liked the movie and the story, but I was very scared of the characters.
I have a kind of love-hate for Jim and his peach.

Puedes reirte de mi... jaja pero tu has visto esas caras? esos insectos estan hechos por el diablo! jaja ok, no. La pelicula y la historia en realidad me gustaba, pero me daban mucho miedo los personajes. Tengo una especie de amor-odio por Jim y su durazno.

This is my top 3 movies that gave me nightmares, today I will dream of them ... haha ​​I invite my friends @LauraMica, @MicolTatiana and @fpskills to participate in this initiative, I want them to have nightmares tonight too.

Este es mi top 3 de peliculas que me dieron pesadillas, hoy soñaré con elllas... jaja invito a mis amigos @LauraMica, @MicolTatiana y @fpskills a participar de ésta iniciativa, quiero que tengan pesadillas ésta noche tambien.

thanks for reading my post!
see you in the next one.
A kiss and a hug, heypuch.

gracias por leer mi post! nos vemos en el siguiente. Un beso y un abrazo, heypuch,

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