The Tourist (2010) Movie Review

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There are some movies you watch purely because the cast list is impressive - The Tourist is one of these movies.

The set of the movie is equally impressive. Set in Venice, Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie grace the screens, weaving in and out of canals, cobbled streets and mansions with high ceilings effortlessly. Depp is slightly out of his element, playing Frank Dupelo, a high school teacher. Jolie, on the other hand, is right in her element. Confident, sexy, yet totally in love with a mystery man, she plays Elise Clifton-Ward incredibly well, exuding the correct sense of strength and weakness.

It is a little unexpected at first to watch Depp on the other side of his usual screen persona. However, I can't help but think that he would be exactly like Frank Dupelo in real life; some might argue that this is why Depp is a good actor, he plays each of his characters very well.

The movie gives out hunches of what is ahead, but none of the twists is that unpredictable. It can feel disjointed at times and relies heavily on Depp and Jolie's on-screen presence to make it work. The movie also feels "empty" – potentially because so much screen time is devoted to only a few key actors.

I wanted to watch the movie for the longest of times, and I wouldn't say I was disappointed with it, but it could, in my opinion, have done so much more. The story and script try to be clever but does not deliver strongly on its key messages.

The Tourist turns out to be a 50/50 movie for me. I wouldn't say I love it and I definitely wouldn't say I hate it. If you want to pass an hour or so staring at Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp, perhaps this is the movie for you.

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