🍿 The Tourist (2022) - starring Jamie Dornan, Danielle Macdonald and Shalom Brune-Franklin [Series review #6]


Hey hey! What have you been watching lately? Any series that turned one or two episodes watched into a full marathon day?

Even though I've never been a series fan but I rather preferred watching a good movie and do something else with the rest of my time, I only needed to be patient enough to fully watch one or two series to discover how much I enjoy this activity too.

Actually, I still consider it a pretty time-consuming passion and that it's a lot better to watch a movie instead of starting a new series that will make you keep pressing "Next Episode" many times in a row, but I guess we all have these moments that are more or less caused by something when you feel like spending a whole day watching episodes from a series. Or maybe even more.

Anyway, since I don't live some of the best days of my life with lots of things going on lately, I decided to give a try to a series that kept popping up on the main screen when opening HBO Max on TV, entitled The Tourist.

Not only the title piqued my interest making me think what's everything about since I love being a tourist as well, but I also liked the vibes given by the series which seemed like a great catch to follow the action which will keep you in suspense during all the 6 episodes this one comes with, so here I am, writing about one more series that I really enjoyed watching!




The series is pretty new being released at the beginning of this year and there is currently just one season running on HBO Max, but the good news came in March when an official announcement was made about confirming the next season that will come up somewhere in 2023. Anyway, until we have more information about season 2, there are still plenty of things to discuss from the 6 episodes of the first season which are very well linked to each other giving you that mood of pressing next until you reach the last episode in no time.

The main genre of the series is thriller, and it features Jamie Dornan as the main actor that presents the story of a man who wakes up in Australia with no memory after he takes part in a car accident. So all the action is based on Jamie trying to find clues and details about who he is, what he used to do before the accident, and why his life is put in danger even though he doesn't even know his name anymore.



The whole action begins with Jamie having a break in a gas station but not long after he hits the road again, he starts being chased by a man with a truck who seems like trying its best to produce an accident from which the man won't get out alive.

There is quite a long chase going both on-road and off-road but just when Jamie thinks that he finally managed to escape from the mysterious situation, he gets hit by the truck which makes the car rotate a few times before stopping. There are not many details shared in this scene right now but more in the later episodes which will make you get some answers on the questions that will appear in your head quite fast, but as soon as Jamie wakes up at the hospital without knowing his name and who he is, he seems more determined than ever to find clues and understand the life he had before the accident.


Still while being in hospital there will be introduced one more important actor that will work on solving the mystery, which is played by Danielle Macdonald, a pretty innocent and silly detective who's only at the beginning of her career but which seems like falling in love fast with the victim while having problems in her personal life with the one who's about to become his husband.

Even though I didn't give too many chances to this character in finding who Jamie was before and why his life is always in danger, you will notice that the innocent police girl that seemed like not being the best pick for this case, will literally grow up and become more mature while working at the case which will give a completely new face to the whole series.


The 3rd important actor in the series comes a little bit later and it's played by the beautiful Shalom Brune-Franklin who will do a great job in her acting, making its way amongst my favourites while watching The Tourist. However, she is also the proof that not all the people who seem like wanting to help you really want to, but more likely they have their own personal interests in this case too, so don't forget to pay attention to details which will make the difference!


Personally, I kept postponing watching The Tourist because even though I've seen it being recommended by HBO Max based on what I usually watch, and even though I've read the description of the series quite a few times, there was still something that made me wait a little bit longer until I get the right mood to watch this one. The reason why I did so, is still unknown. Perhaps that the description is quite summary written and there could be used a lot more interesting sentences to stir the interest the whole series deserves.

The acting? Just great. From the main actors to the secondary ones, all of them managed to do a beautiful job with lots of ups and downs just when you feel like you get closer to find what's everything about or like you understood what is going on. I like how everything was built to always get surprised and still learn something new from the story shared in every single episode of the first season.



Along with all the drama and mystery going on in the first season of The Tourist there is also some offbeat humour which is always welcome and will add that little something needed for a cool mood while watching the series.

Unfortunately, I also noticed a pretty bad thought scene that not only that wouldn't be possible in real life but it also made you feel like the producer of the series is only at the beginning of his career which I'm sure it's not the situation. I won't develop it here to avoid sharing any spoilers, but if you watched The Tourist already and think you know what I'm talking about, you can share that in the comment section.

And ultimately, The Tourist is a big amount of fun moments spent in front of the TV while watching the series that is a far cry from the dour and brooding drama it seemed to be, turning out into a masterpiece of a thriller with plenty of situations you wouldn't see coming that are definitely well worth your time and a deep breath of fresh air.


Have you seen "The Tourist"?

And if so, what are your thoughts on the whole acting and story behind the series? Are you looking forward to season 2 or you've had enough of this already?

Release Date1st Jan, 2022 (US, UK, Australia)
Duration0h 58m
DirectorChris Sweeney
Main ActorsJamie Dornan, Danielle Macdonald, Shalom Brune-Franklin
GenreThriller, Drama, Mystery
ProductionTwo Brothers Pictures, HBO Max +7 more
IMDb Rating7.0/10

Don't forget to check out the rest of my posts too, from travelling to gaming, from photography to cooking recipes and more! ❤️

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