Kick Ass: A 100% real super herore [ENG/ESP]

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As kids we all have favorite superheroes, in my case I loved watching Spiderman, Hulk and Batman movies. Since I could identify myself with each of them, but when the way of making superhero movies evolved, I was opening my list of favorite characters to more members, since all of them, either by a super power or a super human ability, stood out in a special way...

But, the world of comics and superheroes are very open to anything, as weird as it may seem there are superheroes of all kinds, with squirrel powers, hugging powers and even snot and fart powers, but as I have commented in previous reviews even though I like fiction and see how the imagination flies when creating entertainment, I am even more fascinated by the movies, I'm even more fascinated by movies that add to reality and that's why I found the two Kick Ass installments entertaining, since they show a young man trying to take justice by his own means without having powers, which personally is the best part of the story.



Kick Ass tells the story of Dave, a young man who dons a modified diving suit and begins to fight evil without any training or special skills, sooner or later he will have to face major problems as the leader of a cartel. Kick Ass, released in theaters in 2010, is a movie based on the comic book of the same name and is directed by Matthew Vaughn, director well known for movies like X-men first generation and Kingsman: Secret Service.

Kick Ass, features renowned actors such as: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Chloë Grace Moretz, Nicolas Cage and Evan Peters. Also famous for acting in Marvel movies (except Chloë).


When you watch this movie, the first thing that attracts you is the story of a superhero without powers, since we have seen how there are other superheroes without powers like batman or arrow, but not one without even a special ability like super vision, water or super money.

When dave decides to face evil for the first time to some thieves who try to steal a car, they give him a brutal beating and when he tries to run away a car runs over him, so almost dead he is surgically intervened in emergency with metal parts, which gives him an advantage since it makes him less sensitive to pain, in the movie dave jokes that he looks like wolverine with so much metal in his body.

Now, after recovering dave is more excited to fight crime, on his way to superhero confronts against gangs, saving a young man was being beaten, his action is recorded and ends up on the internet where it gives him a lot of fame and people who want to follow in his footsteps. Then he will continue to face crime by dealing with the stalker of his beloved, where he is ambushed and almost dies, but Hit-girl arrives another night watchman, who kills the gangsters who almost killed kick ass. Then dave meets Big Daddy and hit-girl, who have been fighting for some time against the gang of NY's biggest mobster D'Amico, who flood the streets with drugs and violence.


But kick ass faces a new reality when word gets out that he was the one who killed D'Amico's associates, so now his life is in great danger as the mobster wants revenge. D'Amico's son, who is also a superhero enthusiast and loves everything kick ass is doing, hatches a plan with his father to meet kick ass, and when hit-girl, big daddy and kick ass call for help from D'Amico's son, they are quickly ambushed and the two are forced to meet, hatches a plan with his father to reunite with kick ass, and when hit-girl, big daddy and kick ass turn to D'Amico's son's call for help, they are quickly ambushed and outnumbered by gangsters who catch and injure them. D'Amico wants to kill the 3 superheroes and broadcast it live on the internet to teach a lesson to those who try to be superheroes.

After torturing and tying Kick ass and big daddy in chairs, they spray fuel on them but hit-girl recovers from a few shots and kills the gangsters freeing her father who is on fire, but unfortunately he dies because it was too late when he tried to put out the fire. Dave gives up and decides he doesn't want to be a kick ass, but hit-girl convinces him to finish everything, avenge his father who died for him and go after D'Amico and kill him, so they elaborate a plan and with heavy weapons they go to the building where D'Amico lives.


Upon arriving at the building, hit-girl manages to infiltrate dressed as a lost schoolgirl and after killing all the guards, she begins a fierce battle with D'Amico, who almost kills her after he defeats her in a melee. But out of nowhere Kick Ass flies in on a jetpack, and with a 50 caliber machine gun he drives D'Amico away, and after destroying the entire apartment with gunfire, D'Amico is totally defeated and instead of surrendering he decides to keep fighting, and that's when Kick Ass takes a bazooka and with a single shot straight to D'Amico's chest, he manages to blow him out of the building where he ends up exploding.

Then when everything is over, kick ass and hit-girl reveal their identities and decide to leave crime because it is too dangerous, so they continue their lives hit-girl ends up studying in the same school as dave and as hit-girl's father died, marcus a former friend of big daddy adopts her and gives her a new life away from the fight against crime. But the heroic and courageous actions of Kick Ass unleash a wave of fans and enthusiasts who are tired of the lack of justice, and become crime fighters in NYC. Also at the end, D'Amico's son Chris plans to take revenge on Kick Ass for killing his father, so he stops being a Kick Ass fan to become a motherfucker, the main villain of Kick Ass in the second installment.


Now let's get to the most interesting part, what I liked about Kick Ass and what I didn't like.

What I liked: Mainly it was the degree of realism they show, because obviously if someone tries to face with his fists an organized mafia, which acts brutally and has a whole arsenal of weapons, you can get shot in the back, and that's what Dave has to face when he decides to be Kick Ass.

That is something realistic, since they show the dangers of the real world, a world where there are no second chances or powers that avoid death, also show that everything has consequences, since wanting to be famous and try to conquer the girl he loves, he almost pays with his life.


What I didn't like: Is that they don't try to explore the history of Big daddy and hit-girl more in depth, also that in spite of being a great superhero Big daddy doesn't have much history in this first installment, I don't know if this changes in the comics, since I haven't read them, because I know very well that in the books or comics they explore more in depth the histories of the characters. There is also the excessive violence and the funny way they show it, in fact it has been criticized for that.


Anyway, if you want to enjoy a movie that explores the life of a superhero without powers, I recommend this one, because it clearly shows that the delusions of crime fighting that maybe we had as children are extinguished by seeing how hard it really is...

Thank you very much for reading my review about Kick Ass, I remember that all the images used do not belong to me, in fact I have compiled by number the links of the sites from where I took them, also the translation to English can be defective, but I really thank you for having passed....

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De pequeños todos tenemos superherores favoritos, en mi caso me encantba ver las peliculas de Spiderman, Hulk y Batman. Ya que podia identificarme con cada uno de ellos, pero cuando fue evolucionandoce la manera de hacer peliculas de superherores, fui abriendo mi lista de personajes favoritos a mas integrantes, ya que todos, ya sea por un super poder o una habilidad sobre humana, destacaban de manera especial..

Pero, el mundo de los comics y los superheroes estan muy abiertos a cualquier cosa, por muy raro que parezca hay superherores de toda clase, con poderes de ardilla, poderes de abrazos e inclusos poderes de mocos y pedos, pero como he comentado en reseñas anteriores a pesar de que me gusta la ficcion y ver como vuela la imaginacion al crear entretenimiento, me fascina aun mas las peliculas que se adieran a la realidad y es por eso que la dos entregas de Kick Ass, me resultaron entretenidas, ya que muestran a un joven cualquiera tratando de tomar la justicia por sus medios sin tener poderes, que en lo personal es la mejor parte de la historia.



Kick Ass cuenta la historia de Dave, un joven que se pone un traje de buzo modificado y empieza a combatir el mal sin ningun entrenamiento ni habilidad especial, tarde o temprano tendra que enfrentarce a problemas mayores como el lider de un cartel. Kick Ass, fue lanzada a los cines en el 2010, es una pelicula basada en el comic del mismo nombre y esta dirigida por Matthew Vaughn, director muy reconocido por peliculas como X-men primera generacion y Kingsman: servicio secreto.

Kick Ass, cuenta con actores reconocidos como: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Chloë Grace Moretz, Nicolas Cage y Evan Peters. Famosos tambien por actuar en peliculas de marvel (Menos Chloë)


Cuando miras esta pelicula, lo primero que te atrae es la historia de un superheore sin poderes, ya que hemos visto como hay otros superheroes sin poderes como batman o arrow, pero no uno sin ni siquiera una habilidad especial como super vision agua o super dinero.

Cuando dave decide enfrentarce al mal por primera vez a unos ladrones que intentan robar un auto, estos le dan una paliza brutal y cuando intenta huir un auto lo arrolla, asi que casi muerto es intervenido quirurgicamente de emergencia con partes metalicas, que le dan una ventaja ya que lo que lo vuelve menos sensible al dolor, en la pelicula dave bromea que parece a wolverine con tanto metal en el cuerpo.

Ahora, luego de recuperarce dave esta mas entusiasmado a luchar contra el crimen, en su camino de superherore se enfrente contra unas pandillas, salvando a un joven estaba siendo golpeado, su accion queda grabada y termina en internet donde le da mucha fama y personas que quieren seguir sus pasos. Luego seguira enfrentadoce al crimen al lidiar con el acosador de su amada, donde es emboscado y casi muere, pero llega Hit-girl otra vigilante nocturna, que asesina a los mafiosos que casi matan a kick ass. Luego dave conoce a Big Daddy y hit-girl, que llevan algun tiempo peleando contra la banda del mayor mafioso de NY D'Amico, que inundan las calles con drogas y violencia.


Pero, kick ass, enfrenta una nueva realidad cuando se empieza a correr la voz de que fue el que mato a los socios de D'Amico, asi que ahora su vida corre mucho peligro ya que el mafioso quiere venganza, El hijo de D'Amico, que tambien es un entusiasta de los superheroes y le encanta todo lo que esta haciendo kick ass, trama un plan con su padre para reunirse con kick ass, y cuando hit-girl, big daddy y kick ass recurren al llamado de auxilio del hijo de D'Amico, rapidamente se ven emboscados y superados en numero por gansters que los atrapan y hieren. D'Amico quiere matar a los 3 superheroes y transmitirlo en vivo por internet, para asi darle una leccion a los que intenten ser superheroes.

Luego de torturar y atar en sillas a Kick ass y big daddy, les rocian combustible pero hit-girl se recupera de unos disparos y mata a los gansters liberando a su padre que esta en llamas, pero lamentablemente muere porque fue muy tarde cuando intento apagar el fuego. Dave se rinde y decide que no quiere ser kick ass, pero hit-girl lo convence de terminar todo, vengar a su padre que fue el que murio por el e ir por D'Amico y matarlo, asi que elaboran un plan y con armamento pesado van al edificio donde vive D'Amico.


Al llegar al edificio, hit-girl logra infiltrarse vestida como una colegiala perdida y luego de matar a todos los guardias, comienza una batalla feroz con D'Amico, quien casi la liquida luego de que la venciera en una pelea cuerpo a cuerpo. Pero de la nada llega volando Kick Ass en un jetpack, y con unas ametralladoras calibre 50 auyenta a D'Amico, y luego de destruir todo el departamento a tiros, D'Amico queda totalmente vencido y en vez de rendirce decide seguir peleando, y es cuando Kick Ass toma una bazuca y con un solo disparo directo al pecho de D'Amico, logra volarlo fuera del edificio donde termina explotndo.

Luego cuando todo ha acabado, kick ass y hit-girl revelan sus identidades y deciden dejar el crimen ya que es muy peligroso, asi que continuan sus vidas hit-girl termina estudiando en el mismo coleio que dave y como el padre de hit-girl murio, marcus un antiguo amigo de big daddy la adopta y le da una nueva vida alejada de la lucha contra el crimen. Pero las acciones heroicas y valientes de Kick Ass desatan una ola de fanaticos y entuciastas que estan cansados de que no se haga justicis, y se vuelven luchadores contra el crimen en la ciudad de NY, Tambien al finalizar, Chris el hijo de D'Amico planea vengarce de Kick ass por haber matado a su padre, asi que deja de ser un fan de Kick ass para convertirce en motherfucker, el principal villano de kick ass en la segunda entrega.


Ahora vayamos a lo mas interesante, lo que me gusto de Kick Ass y lo que no me gusto.

Lo que me gusto: Principalmente fue el grado de realismo que muestran, ya que obiamente si alguien trata de enfrentarce con los puños a una mafia organizada, que actua de manera brutal y que tiene todo un arsenal de armas, pues te puede salir el disparo por la culata, y eso es con lo que dave tiene que enfrentarse cuando decide ser Kick Ass.

Eso es algo realista, ya que muestran los peligros del mundo real, un mundo donde no hay segundas oportunidades ni poderes que evitan a la muerte, tambien muestran que todo tiene consecuencias, ya que al querer ser famoso y tratar de conquistar a la chica que ama, paga casi con su vida.


Lo que no me gusto: Es que no tratan de explorar la historia mas a fondo de Big daddy y de hit-girl, tambien que a pesar de ser un gran superheroe Big daddy no tiene mucha historia en esta primera entrega, no se si esto cambia en los comics, ya que no los he leido, porque se muy bien que en los libros o los comics se explora mas a fondo las historias de los personajes. Tambien esta la violencia tan excesiva y la manera tan graciosa como lo muestran, de hecho ha recibido criticas por eso.


En fin, si quieres disfrutar de una pelicula donde explora la vida de un superheroe sin poderes, pues te recomiendo esta, ya que muestra con claridad que los delirios de lucha contra el crimen que talvez teniamos de pequeños se vean apagados por ver lo realmente dificil que es...

Muchas gracias por leer mi reseña sobre Kick Ass, recuerdo que todas las imagenes usadas no me pertenecen, de hecho he recopilado por numero los enlaces de los sitios de donde las tome, Tambien la traduccion al ingles puede ser defectuosa, pero realmente te agradezco por haber pasado..

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