Knives out. Review

As a child, I loved to read detective stories. Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie were some of my favorite writers. Also, during my childhood, we often watched film adaptations of their books. Recently, the genre of such a movie has rarely been released. Not so much in demand, apparently, as a series of superhero movies and so on.
For those who missed the works in the style of Agatha Christie, I'm presenting to you my review of the movie Knives Out (2019).

In front of our eyes appears, at first glance, an old villa belonging to the writer. The rich interior decoration makes it clear that not an ordinary person lives here, but a creative, interesting one. Such was his death, mysterious and incomprehensible. All of his numerous relatives are suspected of the crime. Each of them had a motive to kill their father, grandfather, father-in-law.
The more you delve into the history of each family member, the more antipathy arises for each of the heroes. The pretentiousness and ostentatious aristocracy is actually simple greed and a desire to get well settled. Before his death, the father of the family decided to wean all family members from their money, giving them the opportunity to run their own business on their own and end their lives at the expense of others.

The starry cast of the movie attracts from the first minutes. But, meanwhile, none of the heroes will be fully revealed. All will be involved superficially, some characteristics are mentioned in passing, some will not matter at all. Quite an interesting plot and denouement keep you in tension and create significant intrigue, although it seems that the answer is so simple to all the riddles. The ending is very sharp, as if the director throws all the answers in the face of the viewer. Meanwhile, the film left a good impression.
I recommend it to those who are tired of superhero movies and are nostalgic for good movies.

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