Farm House (2008) - Horror Movie Review

There are many horror movies out there that handle the topic of the sin. I often avoid the religious horror for many reason as they are more twisted in the mind and more of focused on the religious conversion. But farm hour is different. It does not try to convert you. It does not try to push you in fear mongering scenario.

Movie is pretty good reflection of our actions and how we choose to revise them if given the chance. I know you must be wondering I am reviewing a lot of movies in the horror and thriller genre. Well that is because I like those movies a lot.

So let's review the movie - Farm House.


Image Credit : IMDB


Story starts with two actors find their way out of the car damage on the road. They try to seek the help from the nearby farm house on the road. There is nothing around and no creepy factor starts while they go to the farm house. But once they get it, all things start going wrong.

Movie revolves around the concept of - sin. The sin not just from the Christianity perspective but from the perspective of the karma. Though Christianity treats everything as a sin and puts up strong god entity to punish us all. And then if you do commit sin then there is devil that takes you to his world. Either way you are in the endless cycle of the sin-punishment.


Image Credit : IMDB

It kind of makes you think a lot on the choices you made, the back tracking of story shows the choice. And the way each actor choose to deal with new choices when given by the people in the farm house shows even more twists. And at the end they meet the guy everyone avoid after the death, devil himself and the real movie twist and whole journey is flashed. Don't worry this is not a spoiler as the real twists are turn are inside and you have to watch it to get them.


You got to appreciate the acting of the people involved in it. All the actors - there are total 6 of them all over the movie. And you are going to appreciate every single one of them. They are kind of placed like domino in such way that you would understand why and how they appear in the movie at that exact time. All of them have justified their place in the story and their dialogues and the timing is pretty apt.


Image Credit : IMDB

My only concern is that if the story were to be more clear on some pars, those actors could have done it better and we could have got the meaning of why the whole drama has been setup for these two. But for that you have to watch the end and you realize why things are the way they do. It's pretty good movie direction and acting.

Direction and Plot Execution

At some point you feel like is this movie about Christian values of the sin and how people are punished after the death. Is the life this bad that whatever choice we do we end up meeting the scary guy in the underground? A lot of those questions are going to be there. And I think that is the beauty about the movie and many of you are going to appreciate the director for the same.


Image Credit : IMDB

Though I feel like this could have done better as some sort of twilight zone type TV series. Because I didn't think of this as a movie to be honest as it lacked the depth from the story to justify that. But that is just my opinion and others may have found the story pretty interesting for them. On that part I'd agree to the fact that story is indeed good but not in depth for the movie or sequels.

Best Part

There are lot of parts that you would love about this movie. Be it how each of the actors acted in the story. Or be their various dialogues that make you think who they are.

For example, devil whispering in the ear saying - "I am friend of your father", implying he is friend of the god and wants to guide her to the damnation. Similarly Kelly hu saying the guy - "I have met many coward people, but you top them all" or something like that. That dialogue goes to show the fearless Lilith who is said to be the mother of demons had intercourse or manipulated many coward men but the guy was even afraid of her temptation and didn't proceed. So that kind of shows clear hints where the movie was going. So the writing of the plot was pretty strong.

A lot of such small things you would love about the movie.

Worst Part

You would hate how the story goes and how it made it as a movie. I personally consider this as more or less some TV horror level of the content. But for some reason it turns out like a big movie. And it didn't get much exposure either. So it turned out like intermediate level of horror as it has more or less religious inclination to it. Otherwise the plot was pretty strong and so do the actors.

So should you watch this movie?

I'd recommend it if you are fan of horror especially the religious inclined thriller or horror themes. It also has pretty interested hints related to the sins and the karma. So for that much depth it is worth watching.

Do you like thriller and psychological thriller then It's definitely a good weekend watch for you.

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