What is the best movie of your country and why?|| Iniciative

Good morning Hivers!

(Or afternoons, evenings, nights, early mornings. Whatever time it is where you are). Today I woke up in the mood to post about something I liked. As a ring to my finger it fell into my heart to see the weekly post from the #OCD community, about what will be curating the posts from "The Movies & TV Shows community".

After seeing that they cover very interesting topics such as movie genres, reviews, and everything related to movie and TV production lovers I said to myself "I definitely have to participate"

They proposed three questions that you can post about:

(1) What is your favorite genre and why? Cite specific examples of the movies you liked the most from that particular genre.
(2) What is the best movie from your country and why?
(3)Who are your favorite villains in movies or TV series and why?

Likewise, here is the link to the initiative of the week so you can see in detail everything involved in case you want to participate.

What is the best movie of your country and why?



Name: La casa del fin de los tiempos.
Year: 2013.
Director: Alejandro Hidalgo.
Producer:Alejandro Hidalgo.
José Ernesto Martínez
César Rivas Serrano
Carlos Daniel Malavé
Screenplay: Alejandro Hidalgo.
Genre: Suspense, Horror, Science Fiction
Rating: B.


"Dulce, a mother of a family, lives in an old house with her young sons Leopoldo, Rodrigo and her husband Juan José. In that place Dulce experiences terrifying encounters with apparitions in the dark. Mysterious ghosts warn her of a prophecy that is about to be unleashed. Dulce, desperate, tries everything possible to change destiny, but a tragedy is about to occur. Dulce is sentenced to the maximum prison sentence for a crime she did not commit. Thirty years later, aged, the woman returns home to continue her sentence under house arrest. There, with the help of a priest, she will struggle to decipher the mystery and tragedy that have tormented her so much until she discovers the phenomenon that will change everything.

Venezuelan productions, if not all Latin American productions, have always had a dramatic approach that is largely biased by the production of novelas and more novelas, for years.

On the big screen we always see romantic comedies, drugs and exaltation of figures such as drug dealers, prostitution and an exaggerated and cliché load of drama.

I dont mean to lump them all together, but it obvious that this is the first thing that comes to mind when we hear about Latin productions.

However, in 2013 Hidalgo played it big, as he produced nothing more and nothing less than a Thriller, when until now Venezuela had not left the safe zone of the aforementioned genres.


Although when the film starts it has a pretty bad presentation of the title of the film, if you let yourself be carried away by it you will end up quite surprised. Being a pioneer in this type of productions at the national level, we would expect a simple plot and a script that plays it safe, and that is, in fact, what it seems to be at the beginning. However, the bet becomes greedy and even unhinged, something that no doubt none of the viewers expected, myself included.


Apparitions, a haunted house, national settings and the warmth of native behavior and dialect, so far so normal. But... Mixing timelines, temporal spaces, parallelisms and quantum physics in a Venezuelan film? It the most innovative thing that had been seen in years, so much so that even the audience had to pay special attention to understand what was going on.

This coupled with the disappearances, murders, suspense and denouement lead us to swallow thickly and keep us very attentive.

Undoubtedly a risky premise, but the power of the script makes it an enigmatic work that keeps you watching at all times.

This production gave artists like Ruddy Rodriguez the opportunity to shine in new genres and break through with integral performances.


The way in which the different scenarios converge and we realize that things were not what we thought gives that see, what going on? flavor, which, as the film progresses, makes you question everything and develop hypotheses.

This masterpiece taught us that we should not underestimate a production because of its country of origin nor think that it will necessarily be more of the same, because, as in this case, we can end up with our jaw on the floor.

The quality of this plot was such that the film rights were bought in 2016 by the American studio New Line Cinema. And it was awarded in different film festivals.

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