The Adam Project 2022 Film Review - Go to the past to save the world and his beloved wife

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The Time Machine Theory or what is usually called the Teleportation Theory is a theory that is still unsolved to this day. Some time ago, I heard that there was a time traveler from the future coming to the present, whether that is true or a lie I don't care because my knowledge is really very limited to researching this, but today I watched a very exciting film entitled The Adam Project 2022 which tells about a time machine.

This film was released in 2022, this film was directed by Shawn Levy and stars the great actors Ryan Reynolds, Walker Scobell, Zoe Saldana and other great actors, this 106 minute film has a rating of 6.7 out of 10 according to the site IMDB.

The film The Adam Project tells the story of a man named Adam Reed who wants to come to the past to save the world and his wife, the following is a short story from this film.

The Adam Project 2022

In the year 2050, in outer space a man named Adam Reed is being chased by his enemies after stealing a very sophisticated spaceship, while escaping, Adam creates a teleportation hole from the technology on his ship to go to the past.

Then the film moves to 2022, showing a little boy named Adam Reed who is 12 years old and still in the 6th grade of elementary school.

Little Adam lives with his mother because his father died a long time ago, now little Adam's mother has started dating his new girlfriend which means he has to spend time at home alone.

While playing a game accompanied by his beloved dog, Hawkins, suddenly the lights in their house went out, they saw Hawkins running to a warehouse behind the house, little Adam also followed him.

In the warehouse, little Adam was very surprised because he met an adult man who turned out to be Adam Reed from the future. Seeing that the behavior of adult Adam and himself (Little Adam) was exactly the same, little Adam started to ask who Big Adam really was, after explaining at length little Adam finally understood that the adult man he was seeing now was himself from the future.

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Not long after that, the enemies who were chasing adult Adam had now arrived on earth, suddenly these enemies went to little Adam's house to kill adult Adam, a great fight using sophisticated weapons from the future was now shown.

It turns out that the enemy that adult Adam is currently facing is Sorian's subordinate. Sorian was Adam's father's co-worker in the past who is now starting to betray him and wants to use the time machine created by Adam's father for his personal gain, and if Sorian becomes more rampant then life on earth will shouted.

That's what makes adult Adam want to go to the past to destroy the time machine his father made. Suddenly Adam's adult wife, Laura, comes to help Adam Desawa fight with Sorian's subordinates.

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It turns out that adult Adam's wife is stranded in 2022, while adult Adam wants to go to 2018 to destroy the time machine his father made.

Seeing Sorian continuing to chase them, finally adult Adam decided to go back to 2018, adult Adam was forced to go with little Adam to 2018 because the plane they were riding in could only live using its owner's DNA, while adult Adam was now injured and was forced to carry Adam is small so the plane can operate perfectly.

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Upon arrival in 2018, they immediately met their father, Louis Rees, who was a genius physicist who was teaching on campus. Even though he didn't reveal their status, Louis the father immediately knew that the two people who were meeting him at this time were his biological children who had left from the future.

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When the adult Adam called on his father to destroy the time machine he had created because his co-worker Sorian would betray him in the future, his father was very angry with Adam because he didn't believe that Sorian would betray him in the future.

After being persuaded, Louis finally wanted to destroy his time machine which was in Sorian's office at that time. When he was about to destroy his time machine, suddenly Soiran from the future arrived there to stop the destruction.

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However, because the time machine had been damaged by Louis, the time machine in the room attracted all the metal objects around it.

When Sorian from the future wanted to shoot Louis, suddenly the bullet was pulled towards the time machine which made Sorian from the past hit by a gunshot and died on the spot, because Sorian from the past was dead, Sorian from the future also died.

Finally, Louis, adult Adam and little Adam are safe, after separating from their father Louis, when they return to the future, it is shown that little Adam is now happy living with his mother again, as well as adult Adam is happy living with his wife again without any threats. again from the time machine.

My opinion about this film

This is a good film, I like the very sophisticated jet plane chase action scenes from the future, the choice of characters in this film is also very soulful, the emotional scenes are also very perfect, the acting of each actor is also perfect which makes this film very fun to watch.

Overall, I think this is a good film and I recommend it to my friends to watch it.


Even though we have now become fathers, it would also be good if we heard the opinions of our own children. A father should not be too selfish in managing his family, because children also know what is best for themselves and their family in the future.

In this film, initially we are shown that Louis is a selfish father because he only wants to put forward his own opinion, but in the end his father is willing to obey his son's words for a better future.

This is a review of the film The Adam Project, see you in the next post.

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