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According to IMDB, there are 114 movies and TV Shows still to come. Ranging from the upcoming Spiderman movie No Way Home this year all the way to 2024 and beyond with some projects are greenlit but still yet to be decided regarding release time. There are simply way too many superhero projects.

Now let me start with Martin Scorsese calling Marvel movies "Not cinema" and like "Theme parks". Those words put the legendary under fire, some saying that he is being a snub, some saying he makes no sense, etc... Scorsese spent years mastering his craft, even as a producer you'd find him a part of beautiful movies like Uncut Gems which shed light on a completely different side of Adam Sandler. So, Scorsese knows a thing or two about movies I think we could all agree.

I have watched every superhero movie ever since Christopher Nolan brought the genre back from under the dirt in Batman Begins and then shined it up with The Dark Knight. I have watched them all, until Avengers End Game. After that, I would skip most and pick a few. Even as a movie lover I couldn't find the power in me to watch another superhero movie.

Superhero movies, as complex as they may seem, have a pretty specific couple of steps. The hero finds his power, a villain is introduced, the villain is a few steps ahead, the hero handles defeat then gets back up and defeats the villain. The only difference after that is the angle you'd view that struggle between hero and villain. The issue is, we have seen it from every possible angle, and we have seen it more than twice. There are a few points to visit to point out how stale superhero movies are.

No Final Destination

I don't mean the blood gore series of movies, although even they knew how to end a series of movies. When you have no final destination in a series or movie, your project goes everywhere but also nowhere at the same time. The earth will have a new villain to attack it, they may seek control of it, they may seek to destroy it, enslave it, whatever.

When we look at the Dark Knight trilogy we see a movie with a destination, even though the movies were never meant to be a trilogy. You can tell that it has reached its final destination in The Dark Knight Rises. The trilogy can be summed up as the following.

  • Batman Begins: The hero is born into the city of crime and slowly starts to clean

  • The Dark Knight: The criminals react in a chaotic fashion that almost breaks the city but the hero saves it and starts preparing for a world without him.

  • The Dark Knight Rises: A great threat from the past threatens to break the city and expose it, however, the hero, along with the city citizens fight back. The hero leaves behind a city that can fend for itself. With the hero being replaced symbolically with Robin.

That's a full story. Penguin could show up and Robin could fight him but you already how that would go. It is redundant. Now you may make the same argument for the Avengers all the way to End Game. And even though there's an issue with that, it still works. However, you can't make the argument for anything afterward. The biggest threat has already been eliminated, the greatest summit has already been reached. Anything after that is redundant.

The Shared Universe Problem

You could see it in different movies, there's a big threat looming over the earth. But, for some reason, only one or two superheroes are the ones to face it. In Iron Man 3 Ned Stark is faced with certain damnation, where is Thor, Captain America, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, etc...? No one is going to help? Hey, Nick Fury, your man over here needs help. No one? Okay.

This goes to any of the movies made that aren't in a galaxy far away, even though we already know that they can travel that distance as well. Why wouldn't Tony Stark help Spiderman more? These villains are destroying cities, why wouldn't anyone else help? I get that it's time for a specific hero to shine but these are supposed to be lives at stake. Oh right. No one really dies in the Superhero world.

This goes on and it makes no sense, Wanda watched Iron Man save the planet a couple of times and still thought he was a bad guy. The examples go on and on, in a shared universe, no one seems to share anything.

They Feel Like Homework Now

Gamesradar has a guide to how you can watch Marvel movies before the upcoming ones? Have you ever needed a guide to watching a movie? Their guide is made up of 4 TV Shows and 27 movies. You see, everything is related and then there are all those easter eggs. So you need to spend watching the movies and TV Shows then watch a YouTube video for "50 easter eggs that you may have missed", then another two just in case the first guy missed something. Then a couple of articles, maybe a podcast, all of that just to watch another two hours movie.

I know people will say that I don't need to watch all that, but those are the same people who mock us "normies" that the guy who just revealed his face was actually blah blah in the blah blah movie.

In Conclusion

I could honestly write all day about the issues with superhero movies, how they always end the same way, how the answer is always over-the-top action pack solutions and many more reasons. But my biggest issue will always be that they are now redundant, don't make sense even though the whole concept of them is built on making sense, and every new movie requires great memory or having to do homework. Maybe in the future, I could get into more, but for now, take care, everyone.

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