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Respeto tu opinión, pero no la comparto, presumo has visto la primera trilogía en la que Luke descubre que es un jedi, si vez al Luke en "Una nueva esperanza" y luego el de "El retorno del Jedi" son personas diferentes se nota que ha madurado y crecido y él no tuvo el entrenamiento que tuvieron los Jedis que vivieron el templo, así como no vez a Obi-wan Kenobi o a Mace Windu, entre otros, incluso Asoka siendo un Padawan, maneja sus dudas e inseguridades de otra forma,, por eso no cabe en mi cabeza ver a algunos jedis de los que aparecen en la serie, ser tan inseguros o poco entrenados.

I respect your opinion, but I do not share it, I presume you have seen the first trilogy in which Luke discovers he is a jedi, if you see the Luke in “A New Hope” and then the one in “Return of the Jedi” they are different people you can tell he has matured and grown up and he did not have the training that the Jedi who lived the temple had, Just as you do not see Obi-wan Kenobi or Mace Windu, among others, even Asoka being a Padawan, handles his doubts and insecurities in another way, that's why it does not fit in my head to see some of the Jedi that appear in the series, to be so insecure or poorly trained.