Am I the Laziest Writer Ever - Part V - When Nature Calls

If you've got time to spare, are a fast reader, not lazy ( or, even better, a mix of all three ) and you haven't done so already, you might first want to read Part I,Part II,Part III and/or Part IV

Today it's time for Part 5 of this series.

For the second morning in a row, I wrote down typed out pretty much all of my thoughts ( the good, the bad, the ugly and the dirty ) or at least as fast as my fingers could type which is slower than my thoughts move, for a minute or 10 to 15.

Just like was the case, yesterday morning, I had to go for a shit stop half way through.

Either this process has a serious cleansing effect, it's like a catharsis of the mind and body, or it's just my routine ( FYI or some would say TMI: I usually have to #2 soon after waking up. My digestive system works like clockwork).

I guess it is indeed both of the aforementioned and, like yesterday, I couldn't hold it up ( and I learnt that isn't healthy anyway so I try to do a number 1 - or 2 - as soon as 'nature calls' ).

untitled.gifAce Venture: When Nature Calls
Remember this movie?
Being born in 1981, I loved the Jim Carrey flicks from the mid to late 90s.

To get back to today's Morning Pages,
I am not proud of what I wrote down but I learnt that that is exactly the purpose of this process: To get the 'crap' out of our mind.

And, as sweet and polite as I might usually appear to the outside world, that doesn't mean like the same goes on on the inside ( The Beast Within ).

Let's be honest, which one of you ( or the entire human population and beyond ) is completely clean on the inside and outside? Devoid of any dirty, nasty, negative thoughts?



Right. I think that proves my point.

We all have 'monsters' in our mind
and no one is perfect, unless we all are,
which seems improbable,
You only need to look at the state of the world for that.

Which brings me back to 'The Monster of Disco'.

If I can, I will return to that book/ writing project of mine, one of these days, as these monsters clearly need voices. They need to be heard and get out of my system. Aside from that, I have no doubt that many of you ( and others ) will be able to relate to them.

If you're wondering what I'm talking about, here's a link to my latest Monster (of Disco) post Rediscovering the Monster of Disco

I also forgot to mention, in yesterday's post, that it's important to not save these morning pages. If you write them down on actual paper, burn them, throw them out ( preferably in the paper bin ) or wipe your butt with them.
I wouldn't recommend the latter, it might be painful to your behind and clog your pipes, with shitty consequences.

All kidding aside, it's important to tear- and throw the pages out. Don't read through them. If you type them on your computer, like I do, delete the file, immediately after writing.

Write to get it out of your 'system', delete the stuff and continue your day.

Oh and one more thing, this process isn't fun and it can be painful/ quite confronting. I felt like not doing it this morning , that's why it's extra important to get to it, as soon as possible, after waking up.

The longer you wait, the bigger the chance that you will postpone it and not do it at all.

I guess that, like any helpful habit, it takes some time to get used to. And although it might not seem like it, at first, it is actually worth it and you will reap the rewards of the process, over time.


all nature pictures were taken by me, earlier today

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