RE: What About You?

Getting out of your comfort zone is always a challenge, some like to do it all the time, while others are better off in their cozy corner, enjoying what they got used to.

This is something I could very much relate to. I would love to be able to travel everywhere in this world. I like seeing things for the first time. I like diversity so much and I’m very interested in seeing what other places look like.

But unfortunately, I’ve only lived this dream on the internet and never in reality. I spend most of my time on the internet watching travel videos and reading about what other places look like. I live in northern Ghana and I have never even been to the capital in the south.

I have a sickle cell hemoglobin condition and because of that, the idea of moving out of my comfort zone freaks me out at times. Even my comfort zone becomes uncomfortable at times and I keep changing my room curtains depending on the season of the year.

I’m allergic to anything unusual. I get frequent crisis in extreme heat seasons and in extremely cold weather. I like the idea of roaming around the world and fortunately, I have unlimited internet access. 👍🏿

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