How a minute can change your day

We all struggle with having a bad day. In some cases, we get so used to having a bad day that when we wake up, we expect something bad to happen. And then it really happens.

You are not only thinking bad for that day — you are also changing your future to attract bad things. You slowly start hating your job, day, yourself and to the extent that you start hating every small thing you do. You constantly start living under stress and you don’t live your life, you just exist.

You will not realize it that day, but as time passes and the accumulation of your thoughts build up, one day it will bring ether of realization in your head and you will question yourself, “What I am doing to myself?”


> Photo by Miguel Luis on Unsplash

At that moment, the regret that you tried to harm yourself mentally will bring shame and guilt of the time you wasted.

The question we need to ask ourselves, when our entire being just expects negativity, is what I can do it to make the experience better?

The answer is love what you are doing.

I have seen people asking what if I don’t know what to do in life. It does not matter. Start your routine with love. Even drinking the first glass of water, tell yourself that you love doing it.

Your body gushes with positivity, you feel relaxed. Even though you are on a deadline.

Start with a minute today to love what you are doing, build it as a habit and bring positivity in your life.

No matter how trivial the job is, put your focus and love in it. You will be mindful of what you are doing. That minute of trivial task will bring a smile on your face. You will feel definitely feel better even if you are just taking a walk around the block.

It does not matter if you do not know what you love doing, just do the things you do, but do it with genuine love. And even if you don’t know what you want to do in life, you will be at least glad that you lived your life to the fullest.

Disclaimer: Images have their sources cited.

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