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ATTITUDE- Be Grateful


Being GRATEFUL means a feeling of showing gratitude or appreciation
Another thing that can enhance the positivity in your life is being Grateful.
You must Thank your creator for Everything that you have got. We affirm the good in our lives and he is the source of the Goodness.
Apart from being Grateful to your creator, you owe a responsibly to Thank the people around you. It doesn't necessarily have to be your elder, you can appreciate even the juniors around you.
Be appreciative, include the words like
Thank you
It was nice talking to you
You are awesome
I appreciate you
Even saying I am Sorry
Can create a good impact or impression. It doesn't really cost anything.

Firstly, It will enhances the mood of the person you are complimenting. They will feel happy and want to do more next time.

Secondly, you will feel positive and happy too.
Moreover, it is said that being positive or grateful actually works in cycle. If you will initiate it, then there are high chances that it will keep growing and adding more positive energy to the world and creating a state of mind for people and they will be appreciating others.
Enjoy the little things you have now, there's no need for competition.
Gratitude turns what you have into enough.
Cultivate the attitude of being Grateful