What if it doesn’t go as planned?


As humans, we spend a huge amount of our time planning and calculating what to do and how our future should go.


From a young age, we get asked questions like “who do you want to be when you grow up”, “where do you want to work”, and “where do you see yourself when you grow up” and even as children we are meant to know, plan and make a decision that might never actualize.

The act of planning is the process of thinking about activities required to achieve a goal and according to Wikipedia, it is the first step that is taken in the process to achieve desired results.

As a young girl, I have always considered myself a planner, I had gotten used to writing down every single thing from who I wanted to be, where I saw myself and even down to the sexes of my children as if I had a say in it, this often led to a feeling of depression when the thing didn’t go my way.

Before graduating, I had plans and steps which I could take to make those plans come to fruition but after graduation, Covid hit, it didn’t just hit but it bulldozed every single thing I had planned, it screwed with my location because I had to move back home which screwed with my relationship because after trying long-distance for 8 months we just couldn’t keep up and finally it reduced my chances of getting the jobs and/or the scholarships I applied for because everything I had been hoping for and chasing began shutting down.


Due to all my plans failing, depression hit, I had experienced it before but this time it came with anxiety and a feeling of incompetency. I spent most nights over calculating, and over planning but in the end, nothing sub-sequential happened.

It took me a bit of time to realize that everything doesn’t always go to plan and while planning most of the time we forget to add other variables i.e. Governmental policies, new laws, a frickking pandemic, and in the end we find ourselves bitter and sad.

So let me throw this question to you, what if it doesn’t go as planned? Would your life stop if you don’t get that job? Would you stop smiling if you don’t get married at 25 or have kids at 28? Would you give up if your partner leaves or dies? Or would you realize how important you are regardless of what happens?

I am not saying you should stop planning because you cannot live life going with the flow but all I am saying is “take it easy on yourself”, it might seem hard but trust the process.



Thank you for opening this box of passion.

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