I'm onto something special.

The easiest thing to do right now is talk about the really exciting things that have been happened in my life and the adventurous experiences I've been consciously getting involved with.

There are also a couple of things that are not going the way I would have wanted, but I will save y'all the trouble. I doubt anyone would be interested in those. Haha. Just know that the last couple of days (weeks) have been compact and eventful in equal proportion.

I can't say it all, but I will highlight two exciting things I've been working on.

Let's dig into them;

1. I used this weekend to strength my resolve about venturing into video making.

The idea of being in front of a camera to create content is something I have been working on for a while. I tried it in the last quarter of last year, but I came across some hurdles which diverted my attention to other things.

After so many months, the desire to go back to the drawing board and explore video content creation is back again. I've been doing my research about this and I'm feeling ever ready to dive in and make a good name for myself as a video maker.


I'm budgeting for a standard DSLR mirrorless camera and a decent microphone. The earliest I can possibly get this would be first week of December, with the latest being last week of December. More updates about this will come to light in due time.

2. I'm all set and ready to explore NaPodPoMo.

I was able to participate in two zoom calls in preparation for the NaPodPoMo (National Podcast Post Month) challenge which will last throughout November. I find this meeting to be fairly inspiring and a good way to pick up some tips that will help me get into podcasting.

For me, this is not just an exercise for the sake of being part of the NaPodPoMo event. I want to use this as an avenue to train my voice in preparation for when my video making equipments will be available.

Aside from being part of this podcasting challenge, I'm also making appearance on social audios like Twitter spaces and voice events on discord. By the end of November, I genuinely hope to see a lot of improvement in my speaking skill.

Whatever is left of this year will be devoted to exploring video content creation. By the first week of January, I believe I will be edging closer to running a proper YouTube channel and using everything I'm learning now to monetize and grow the channel.

More updates are on the way.

Wish me well.

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