Think Like a Viking: Part sixty two

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All a people need in order to rise up against tyranny is a leader bold enough to take up the banner.

Thursday's are Viking quote days although I'm doing every second Thursday now and interspersing my, think like a leader, series on the alternate day. Sometimes I choose a quote randomly and sometimes based upon relevance or meaning to my life, and share some thoughts on it. These thousand year old phrases still offer value in modern society. original im src

This week's Viking quote

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All a people need in order to rise up against tyranny is a leader bold enough to take up the banner.

- The Saga of Harald Hardrade -

In the military being assigned to carry the Honourable Insignia, is a great honour. Military forces have carried them for thousands of years, including the Vikings, and in the Australian military there are four different kinds: Standards, Guidons, Colours and Banners.

Traditionally, and in days past, on the field of battle where it's noisy and chaotic, it was a focal-point for the forces and was typically carried near to the Commander. The Colours would assist the forces to manoeuvre as one and with order and to advance, reposition or withdraw. If the Commander fell, or if the forces were on the verge of defeat, the troops would rally to the banner, a last line of defence, and quite often amazing feats of courage and bravery ensued in the protection of the Colours.

Occasionally, often actually, the bannerman would fall and in such times it was left to another to take up the Colours that the troops wouldn't lose heart, had a focus and could still operate as a collective force. Dropping one's weapon and taking up that banner was a dangerous endeavour as it was where the opposing forces would direct much of their energy and effort with the goal being to capture it; it took courage and bravery.

Things didn't change much as time went on and Colours, also the other forms of Honourable Insignia, are carried into battle still, just in different ways, and those carrying it, and the troops in general, revere those Colours and will protect them. It my be difficult for civilians to understand, but for a military unit to operate effectively they must be disciplined and it's the Honourable Insignia that becomes a focal point for said discipline; that and other things.

Something happened today that made me thing about those among us who take it upon themselves to take up the banner for the betterment of others; I don't mean the military here, I mean normal, everyday people, who stand up for others, take the lead and in so doing create a target of themselves. It happens every day, in small ways and large, and it makes a difference.

Think about a kid at school who interjects himself (or herself) between a bully and victim. It's a dangerous situation, but maybe, just maybe, that act of boldness inspires others to also stand up to the bully. I was racially victimised from a very young age...and no one was bold enough to "take up the banner"...I was on my own. I wonder what difference it would have made to my young life and the future me had someone done so however.

It was those experiences that led me to become the person who stood up for those who could not do so for themselves, for a righteous cause (whatever I felt was such) and to carry the Banner forward into situations that might be difficult, hurtful and destructive. It's a mindset, and one I applied/apply to many aspects of my life.

I'm not one to quit, I mean I'm tenacious, focused, persistent and resolute in those things I do; Relationships, work, sporting endeavours and other aspects of my life...I carry the Banner so to speak. It's not always about defeating tyranny, not these days anyway, it's more about finding the courage to stand when it's easier to fall, to face that which would be easier to turn from, and to step forward when all instincts say to step back. This is how I have led my life, and this is how I have led people. So, I guess the Banner I raise is that which inspires and motivates myself to push forward, not so much to inspire others, although that may also happen.

Courage and bravery mean many things to me, they're not just things that happen on the battlefield. I think we all have, or will have, cause to find and display it in our lives and if we can...that's when things can truly come together and great things happen.

It only takes one brave soul on the battlefield to take up the Banner, to raise and wave the Colours, inspire troops to rise up as one and move forward. It's the same in life, professional and personal...and it is also the case within oneself. I believe within us all is a brave soul, and if a person can't see it in themselves, they only need to delve a little deeper.

That's it for this week, a thousand year-old Viking quote about bravery and courage and the strength we can draw from it, either for ourselves or to inspire others. It only takes one small spark to ignite a fire.

Please feel free to disagree with my interpretation and add your own in the comments below.


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