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Think like a Viking: Part fifty one

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Eagles should show their claws, though dying.

Each Thursday I select a Viking quote, sometimes randomly, sometimes based upon relevance or meaning to my life at that point in time. These thousand year old phrases can still offer value in modern society. original im src

This week's Viking quote

Eagles should show their claws, though dying. - The Saga of Olaf Haraldsson

We all go through difficult times in life and they affect us differently; what one may feel is a minor inconvenience could be a catastrophic event for another. I'm not sure why that is, maybe intelligence, experience, age and location are factors? Others too I'm sure.

Today I read the thoughts of a man who is feeling depressed and seeks clarification of thought, answers and ultimately a way forward. Finding value in oneself can be difficult at times like this, self esteem or self-worth can seem elusive and this person found it so.

I thought about some of my friends, people who are still alive and those who have taken their lives due to depression and post traumatic stress disorder particularly. It's difficult to think about the latter as many were close to me, good friends, and I miss them, but I also feel a degree of anger towards them for what they have done. I've had to find forgiveness, for them and myself feeling that way; I'm told it's common.

I work with veterans a little here and there and find they often hide feelings, lock them away where no one can see, themselves included, and I understand completely. There's not a lot of room in military circles for what most there perceive as weakness, in others or themselves. It's quite sad really.

In my work with veterans and dealings with my personal circle of friends I've always worked hard to indicate, and demonstrate, that it's ok to be oneself, to show fear, fragility, that one struggles, or needs help. In fact, needing help and not asking for it is madness - A fact I have to remind myself as asking for help isn't my strong point.

I chose this Viking quote for many reasons, none of which I'll divulge here, it was relevant considering the post I read earlier though.

It's a reminder of the power of one's own mind; mindset and attitude.

It reminds me that bad things happen, have happened, and will again and tells me that its ok to be your true self be it strong, afraid, courageous, confident, fragile...That to acknowledge who one is at any given point is the best way to understand the situation and take the steps required to move in new and better directions. It reminds me about the power of ownership, strategic planning, small steps, and the effort to affect positive change. It tells me that quitting isn't an option, not when there's so much on the line. Life itself.

There's a lot more under the surface of this quote than is at first apparent I think. Yes, it could be just as relevant on the battlefield in a situation in which ownership and discipline, fighting spirit and courage are required, but today, for me, it's about the fight a person has within themselves when the guns go silent and the fight one faces is one of a completely different nature.

Finding the courage and strength to fight one's thoughts, feelings emotions and depressive tendency is difficult, but the rewards are great, just as failure can be lasting; it is all on the line in this particular fight.

I don't know if the person who wrote the words I read today will ever read this, though he may. I don't think it'll provide any answers for him though; besides, he seems to be well on track to actually doing what I say in this post anyway. He is fighting for himself. It comes down to seeking answers and to finding reasons to want to fight for oneself in the first place. I believe the chap has many reasons and I think he'll see them when he needs to.

That's it for this week, a thousand year-old Viking quote about being true to oneself, acknowledging and understanding thoughts, attitudes and feelings then finding the courage, the reason, to fight for them; for oneself.

Please feel free to disagree with my interpretation and add your own in the comments below.


Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind