Think like a leader: Week Two

Example is leadership. - Albert Schweitzer

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I've been a leader of people for many years across various roles; I believe some are built for it and have natural attributes that lean them towards leadership, and others are not. All good leaders will be able to learn from others though, evaluate good and bad examples, and apply that knowledge to becoming a better leader. This new series is designed to expose great quotes by various leaders and to investigate how they may relate or apply to myself or others. original im src

This week's leadership quote

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Example is leadership.

- Albert Schweitzer -

I've always worked hard hard. I've been diligent, persistent, had a results-focus, evaluated and strategised, taken action when required and adapted to the results that came, successes or failures, then began again. As I moved into my twenties this compounded and, increasingly, I found myself in a position of leadership; people looked to me for direction and I found I often had a concept of what was required and how to achieve it; I became a leader by default I guess. As time moved forward this informal leadership-scenario formalised.

I didn't always know what to do or how to do it but made decisions, right or wrong; it was my job to make a call and, come what may, those following would act. It was a huge responsibility, one I took seriously, which is why I worked tirelessly to educate myself, to be open to learning, to embrace change, not fear failure and be more prepared and better equipped to make decisions that affected more than just myself.

In those days I looked for work. I call it lifting heavy shit these days although at the time I did not.

Lifting heavy shit means many different things, but in this case it means to find work, learn more, rise earlier and stay up later, to check and re-check then check again and to have discipline, ownership and the right attitude. It means that when the job is done one moves on and looks for another one, more information, better preparedness and a better chance to improve just that little bit more. Lift heavy shit.

At the time I didn't understand all the nuances of why people did as I asked, why people followed me or why they went out of their way to lift heavy shit for me and with me. Sometimes I still don't know...But I see some of the elements more clearly now, understand them better, and one of those is this...[lead by] example.

I love this quote by Schweitzer because it's so damned simple and simple is often the best, and often the most effective.

All those years ago, I wasn't doing anything overly clever. I wasn't a magnificent orator that inspired people and neither was I a dictator that ordered them. I was just a young man who knew how to lift heavy shit. I worked hard and people saw it. I led by example.

Leading by example doesn't mean the leader has to do the work others are expected to do; no. It means setting a good example, showing work-ethic, ownership, diligence, attention to detail, responsibility, focus and results-driven actions and attitudes. If that's done effectively it filters down and others do the same if they are empowered to do so.

I remember telling people, "I'll never ask you to do something I wouldn't do, or haven't done, myself."

It was an important phrase to say and have the team understand and from there I'd get to it, do my job and help them do theirs; a group of individuals acting as a unit towards the attainment of a common goal, each doing what they need to, including me. Backing up that statement meant working harder than everyone else, being there in support always and working to empower others to want to do the same. I had a simple ethos; never let those I lead hear me criticize, condemn or complain, ever. I just got on with the task, and so did they. Complaints were held within and never filtered downwards.

We all have an opportunity to lead by example whether it's in the workplace, society in general, within family and friends groups, sporting clubs, social media, and even within ourselves!

This doesn't mean we can't, or shouldn't, fail though or that the example we set is always going to be a good one; to be human is to fail. We suffer frailties and faults, we make mistakes, bad decisions and regrettable actions...denying it is pointless. I've always asked people to own it and to take ownership for themselves, responsibility too. It's through those two things we're able to pick up, dust off, and start setting better examples once more. It's a simple concept.

This is just one angle on the quote above, there will be others and you may have your own of course. If you have any thoughts on this leadership quote, experiences of your own, or questions please feel free to comment below.

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Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

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