Balance || Focus || Presence

This morning I woke to the news that Sean Connery, one of my favourite actors, had passed away at the age of ninety years old. I never new him personally of course but grew up from a young age watching his movies, the James Bond movies more specifically, and I felt a bit sad he's gone.

It will happen to us all though, death, and as much as most people try to avoid the subject our personal demise will come, sooner or later. It's a bit depressing of course and whilst I don't hide from it, I don't dwell on it either - I focus on life.

I work hard at life, at living what I see as the best version of it and towards being the best version of myself as I can be. I'm a flawed and imperfect human being though and so I don't always hit that mark; The best version of myself, and sometimes my life isn't the best it can be.


People often talk about balance, a balanced life, probably most often in respect of work to life balance, for those who are still actively in the workforce. You know, that old line, "you have to find that 50/50 work-life balance." It's a common line, but one I don't really agree with wholeheartedly.

I prefer to be focused in the moment I'm in, I call it being present, and being 50 percent present means I'm fifty percent elsewhere. That's not good enough for me; Not in my work or my personal life.

An example would be my typical work day...The Directors of the company pay me to perform and if I'm not focused I'm simply not able to perform at my peak...So I focus; I'm present in the moment, the activities I'm working on. In my persona life, let's say I'm out shooting for instance, I'm not thinking about work, splitting my focus - I'm in the moment and working on living my best version of life at that point. It's a simple concept.

I've explained this concept to others and some get it, some don't. Mostly people don't understand how I could be so focused...But they're missing the point. You see, focus, being one hundred percent present in the moment, is simply an attitude, the moment is flexible to change though - It has to be.

Let's say I'm in my work day and get a phone call from my wife who has had some sort of emergency or accident...Do you think I say, "I'm focused on work so sort it out yourself?" Nope, I determine what's important at that moment and if it's a new situation my focus shifts there, one hundred percent of it.

It works for me and I'm not trying to sell it to you. Whatever you do is your concern - But for me, having presence, being present in the moment, and not splitting my focus is an important element in ensuring that my life is as balanced as possible. I don't sully my weekends with thoughts of work and I am focused at work, when I am there. That's why I'm so productive at work and in my personal life.

I've heard many tributes for Sean Connery today and one constant is the fact everyone is saying how passionate about life he was - For that reason I have to conclude he found the right life-balance and I presume he held little regret at the end. It's that state of mind I'm looking for, and that drives my one hundred percent focus ethos - It helps me draw the best out of every moment and have better relationships.

That's me...What about you...Do you seek balance in life? Are you one who subscribes to the 50/50 balance paradigm or are you more like me and focus your attention, passion and life at presence in a more single-minded fashion no matter what moment you happen to be in? Feel free to comment below. There's no right or wrong answer.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

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