RE: Think like a Viking: Part sixty

Human heart, and mind for that matter, is a complex thing. So it is hysterical to me, when I see people trying to define something or someone as purely good or bad.

We all have our dark sides just as we have our light. And dwelling about whether you belong in the "correct" spectrum or not is a waste of time. I even saw this taking a toll on some people I know, who slowly self destructed themselves thinking they will never be amount to something that will be upheld and cherished by the "society" or their close ones, or even God himself.

You are what you are, and the second you start accepting it and try to find a balance within yourself is when you truly start living. Oblivion is inevitable. We are all heading towards the big end, so there is simply no point dwelling.

Live unapologetically. Live the way that puts a smile on your face, not others. Live so vibidly that when death finally comes knocking on your door, you’ll be ready to go with one hell of a story to tell. To whom? Who knows. To me, that's just another adventure...

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