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This is where I'm at 1 Year into Hone Health's testosterone treatment

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Feeling great 🤩

It's been a while since I last updated you about my hormone treatment with Hone Health. It was actually six months ago that I last spoke of this.

Hone is a company that delivers medications straight to your door and allows you to do all of your doctor appointments online. It's quite convenient. You can even do your blood test right from the comfort of your home.

I'm the type of person who luckily doesn't have any terrible medical conditions to deal with. I'm very thankful for that and I will continue to take great care of my body so that nothing starts to break earlier than it normally would.

With that said, when I turned 30 last year I became curious to learn about my hormone levels. As men age, things can change, and if you aren't aware it can wreak havoc on your happiness levels.

Turns out I was low on testosterone like many men are these days. That is not the case anymore thanks to a fertility booster called Clomiphene that I've been taking for a year now. I also have taken an estrogen reducer called Anastrozole for the past six months. These two combined are supposed to get me at optimum levels and it is working very well so far.

Here are my blood test results. As you can see, things have done nothing but improved, but still are not quite perfect.


You may be like I was and know very little about hormones. It's something that all men should take the time to become at least a little knowledgeable about. It could end up improving your life in a really big way.

The most important thing on this test to me is the free testosterone. Mid-teens to mid-20s is ideal for a man. I am sitting right around 20, so I'm balanced well right in the middle. This means I can stay on the same dosage of Clomid.

My estradiol (estrogen) levels did decrease as hoped, but not quite as much as my doctor anticipated. This means I needed to slightly increase the dosage of Anastrozole. I look forward to seeing how that improves how I feel even more.

The last two things my doctor mentioned to me were overwhelmingly positive. She said I looked to be one of the healthiest men my age she's dealt with. My albumin levels are ideal which means that my liver is functioning extremely well. I guess not drinking alcohol really does pay off.

Then she also brought up that my prostate health is looking marvelous. My level was 1.23 and it's best for men to be under 3. I am so happy to not just have to assume these things about myself but actually know for sure thanks to taking the time to get my bloodwork done.

I cannot recommend Hone enough because it really has helped make my life as great as it is now. I will continue to stick with this company as long as they keep making it this easy to get the things that I need.

If you have any questions drop them down below and I'll be happy to answer.

Thanks for listening to me talk about how good of health I am in. Will update again in either 3 months or 6 months. I'm not sure when my next consultation will be.


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