Wake up yourself to realize your life and its true motivation.


There is a saying: "Life isn't about surpassing others, it's about surpassing yourself."
Life is limited. How to broaden the breadth and depth of life in a limited life is a lifetime subject. In this life, people are most afraid of living a life in the dark. The biggest fear is always planning something, but never taking action, and finally spending my life in infinite regret.
As the saying goes: "Hate iron is not steel." We are used to pointing fingers at other people's lives, but we forget that the most important thing for a person is to wake up ourselves.
Wake yourself up, don't think about the past.
Voltaire once said: "It's not the mountains in the distance that make you tired, it's the grain of sand in your shoe." Those who limit their own progress are often unable to let go of the people and things that have passed. To wake yourself up is not to think about the past, nor to be afraid of the future. It is to forgive others, but also to reconcile with oneself. It is to accept and accept, and it is also to start over again.
The past is over, it is better to let go. The more you know how to let go, the happier you will be.
Former British Prime Minister Lloyd George had a habit of closing the door behind him. One day, George and his friends were walking in the yard. Every time they passed a door, George always closed the door. "Do you need to close these doors?" My friend wondered.
George smiled and said: "I've been closing the door behind me all my life, it's a must. When you close the door, you leave behind everything from the past, whether it was a good achievement or a frustrating blunder, and then you can start all over again. "
After listening to the friend, he fell into contemplation. It was with this spirit that George achieved success step by step.
Feng Zikai once wrote: "Not disturbed by heart, not trapped in love, not afraid of the future, not thinking about the past, so safe."
Life needs this kind of life wisdom.
Life is like a glass of water, only by pouring out the original water can new water be filled. There are many unpleasant things in everyone's life.
Too big to find a suitable job, buy a suitable house, or talk to someone; He was so small that he was criticized by the leader because of a mistake, and he was going to be late but couldn't get on the subway. And in the end, it may not be that you cannot afford bad results. It's that you can't let go of your bad emotions.
There is no other major event in life than life and death. There is no insurmountable hurdle in life. Only by awakening yourself can we no longer indulge in the past.

Wake yourself up, find your position.
Everything has its own characteristics and attributes, and only when it is used in the right place can it exert its value. Efforts in the wrong direction will inevitably lead to wrong results.
Only by finding your best position can you maximize your advantages. A lot of times, it's not because of your ability, but because you didn't find the right environment.
When you find that the environment is not suitable for you, the best way is to stop the loss in time, re-select, and find the most suitable position for you. Don't be afraid of failure, try more, and find the most suitable one for you from time to time in order to grow rapidly.

Wake yourself up, live transparently.
The poet Lu Li said: "It's better to think of yourself as mud. If you always think of yourself as a pearl, you will have the pain of being buried."
A lively and transparent person can always walk through the years with a clear mind and a calm pace.
Chinese badminton player Xiong Guobao, who won the world championship, was interviewed by reporters. The reporter asked him: "Which coach is the most thankful for you to win the world championship?" He thought for a moment and said, "If I really want to be grateful, I should be most grateful for my cultivation. It is because no one is optimistic about me that I am today."
When he was selected for the national team, he only practiced with other players. Therefore, the daily practice time is much longer than others. If the racket string is broken, he will replace it with a new one; if the shoe is broken, he will patch a piece of rubber; if the jersey is broken, he will patch it with a piece of cloth. In the winter of minus ten degrees, I still go for a morning run at five in the morning to practice physical strength.
One year he participated in the World Badminton Championships and met the strongest opponent in the first game.
In fact, no one cared whether he would win or not. But he was not discouraged by this, he passed five levels and defeated six top players and finally boarded the podium of the world championship. Without Bole, he still proved himself to be a thousand miles horse. Such people will achieve success no matter where they are. Because they understand their potential and have transparency that is not influenced by the attitudes of others.
This is how life is. Positive people always use the most optimistic attitude to control their own life. Negative people are always in the shadow of failure and confusion.
You know, life may not always be smooth sailing, but it may not be all difficulties and obstacles.
How far a person can go depends on how far his heart can go and how far his eyes can see.

Don't give up because of a little setback, as long as you keep going, there will be a different scenery.
There are only people who can't figure it out in the world, and there is no road that can't be taken.
The affairs of the world are always trapped in thinking, and broken in action.
People are most afraid of deceiving themselves. Only you know what state you are in.
On the road of life, don't have the mentality of "just get by", you must have the determination to wake yourself up.
Looking back on your life, you will thank yourself. No matter what the final result is, the sense of accomplishment that you have worked hard cannot be replaced.
From now on, give yourself a chance to start over.
Lighting up and watching, I wish you can get what you want for the rest of your life, and let time to prove things in the future.

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