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Restructuring the World

The world as we know it is changing. You might have seen the same things as me. And this can't be unseen.

Comfort Zone

I don't know how comfortable I am. I mean, I'm pretty happy with what I have but I don't know what losing what is dear to me would do. I am good. I want things, but most of them I can easily live without. In the great scheme of things, they are futile. And I'm ok with it. But for a second the other day I had a "what if" moment. The whole food provisioning chain made me think. What if it went down completely. Before the whole pandemic I would've gone "meh won't happen". But damn, now? Oh yeah it could've happened. And it could happen pretty fast.


Everything is held by a Tony tiny little silk thread. We, as the consumers, are like rocks pulling on the wire. Suddenly my Amazon Prime membership doesn't matter anymore. I'm waiting for my packages like everyone else. Why? Because the system cannot support our consumption anymore. Working removes part of our needs, and now that many can't work anymore the postal service can't keep up.

Fear in the City

I got preoccupied. Why couldn't I get the bare necessities at my local grocery? Maybe I needed to get faster and beat the competition in the alleys. Then I thought about my physical build and tried to find a better solution than to punch out people. What was left for me to do if, hypothetically, the stores were to close completely? Like worst case scenario: whole city is shut down for weeks.


Agriculture? Is that what it all comes down to?
