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Mushroom Monday - Yellow Themed Fungi

Here are some young Pholiota squarrosa. These ones were just starting to pin after a rain and that brought out the yellow color.

Here is Amanita muscaria guessowii basically a yellow version of the well known red Amanita muscaria.

Here is an unidentified yellow bolete I found near a river in Northern Michigan. You can see they are even creating a yellow guttation where they expel excess water as droplets.

Here is a strange one Calocera cornea aka small staghorn fungi. These guys are really tiny and are always found on barkless dead logs after a heavy rain.

They are very tiny only a couple millimeters long, and easy to overlook.

Here are some well known yellow summer chanterelles. These are one of my favorite edibles, they can be found in hardwood forests in dark soil. I collect as many as possible and dry the extra ones for use in soups.

Here is some yellow slime mold. It likes to spread out in trails and form clumps. I usually find it on wood chips in the hottest part of summer after a rain.

Here is a strange yellow fungi called an axolotl, just kidding its a strange little water critter that is able to regrow its limbs if they get eaten by a larger predator.

Happy yellow #mushroommonday