Fungi Friday - Where are all the good mushrooms?

Here is a somewhat unsuccessful mushroom hunt for this #fungifriday by @ewkaw
This week has been hot and dry so I had trouble finding fresh new mushrooms. I did find this bullfrog though, he didn't hop away and just puffed himself up big to try and scare me away.

I went back to check on the bitter boletes, here they are earlier this month.

Here they are today. They started out white looking like a white king bolete but now as they have matured they are pink a telltale sign of bitter boletes.

They are pretty large too. These aren't poisonous but man do they taste bad, a mix between burnt rubber and a rotten peanut or something rancid. I have read that people pickle them to use with cocktail drinks. Maybe pickling reduces their gnarly taste.

I did manage to find a really strange mushroom. I've never seen anything quite like it, instead of straight gills it has twisty maze like gills.

The top is yellow and kind of foamy. From a distance I thought it might be an amanita of sorts but the gills are way to unique to be amanita.

Now looking for something to eat and I find this... Who knows what sort of mess this is, probably a cloud fungus aka white jelly roll.

Later on all I found were some lawn mower mushrooms.

The Latin name is Panaeolus foenisecii and it is really common on all the lawns over here. There are a few species of them and some contain psilocybin but only trace amounts. Otherwise they taste pretty bad and are probably loaded down with lawn pesticides, so I don't recommend eating them.

Hopefully I can find some massive trove of edible mushrooms this weekend...

Happy #fungifriday :-)

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