Mushroom beauty

Hi friends, how are you today? I hope today is a happy day for all of you and today I return to this beloved community, of course not empty-handed. Today I want to show some photography of the beauty of mushrooms that are very beautiful and extraordinary. But unfortunately I don't know what this mushroom is called.

I found this mushroom in my garden on dead wood and because the rainy season has come, the wood is already damp and there mushrooms grow there because the rainy season is the season for mushroom growth.

And I took several portraits of these mushrooms from different angles to make them look clearer, of course with my own cellphone camera because I wanted to share them with my mushroom lovers in this beloved community. Maybe there are friends who know about the name of this kitchen can tell me in the comments of my post.

Thank you to friends who have visited my post, I hope you like it and I hope you are always in good condition. See you in the next post.

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