Amanita phalloides, I meet today. happy!

Here's my precious find from today morning, for #mushroommonday by @balticbadger

Amanita phalloides, I think. The most toxic mushroom around here.
I am feeling like a baby who have found a tasty candy, hehe. Of course we crossed our ways before, but in the past I wasnt into macro and mushroom photography yet. So... in brief, it is the 1st time I had an opportunity to shoot it. So I did my best.

A few details: it grew at my site, on the edge of my garden, under the big oak tree and very close to a water pond. So I was restricted in terms on shooting angles, but in the evening the sun lit its magic light right onto it (huge thanks to the water pond for this! otherwise the mushroom would stay in the shade).

I happily spent 20 minutes laying on my belly near it, and made a solid amount of captures, enought to make a good focus staking photo. Hope to do it later, when I will be at my desktop compy.


This is unedited photo from the 1st part (when there was no direct sunlight on it). Pretty dull, isnt it?.. I hope I could come up with something better, tho. But later! Thank you for stopping by, and dont forget also about the #fungifriday!

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